[Fate/Providence: Part XIV]

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A/N: 😁 [Enjoy/Like it, there's/for a suprise/secret await/is ahead of you all/everyone] 😏
(3rd POV)

"W-Wha?" Artoria stuttered as the light that blinded her before slowly dimmed before fading away as she opened in gaze confuse yet highly tensed as she kept her sword tightly on her grip, the two symbols on the back of her armor and the one on her back seemed to be resonating ever so brightly but she was more focused however on the situation she founder herself in.

It was a dim throne room with fires that acted as light on torches hanging one pillars and walls, glass stained windows closed by thick curtains giving the room a somber atmosphere that was accompanied by the deep silence that permeates the large room which is unoccupied and only she stood upon it.

"No.... why this place? What could their be of any relation to Caster? It doesn't make any sense." She muttered as she founder herself sat on a throne, one she had abhorred the moment he was lost to her, despair so great fell upon her the moment she had realized that her action came at a price she so foolishly ignored, thinking she was above such a simple matter.

And yet here she is now, and old relic of a bygone era desperate to find a miracle that could save the one's she had so loved and cared, realizing too late that her action had took away what was gave her the strength and courage to overcome all the challenges that had awaited her and yet without her friend....no beloved, Artoria's life fell apart like a house of cards blown by the wind.

As Artoria's eyes widen as she looked at the place.... a place all too familiar to her, for how could she forget the place is a reminder of the greatest failure and  sin she had committed, that even she cannot forgive herself for, her foolery that costed the life of the one she holds so dear, blinded by her own duty and neglecting her own desires and needs.

For all the greatness and luxaries she had gained through her campaign none where able to fill the void in her heart when she had lost him, for how could anything be able to wash away the deep hollow that was her despair and sin, Artoria regretted so much that she wanted to die, she wanted to punish herself and be damned for all the things she had done without even being able to gift the one she has lost forever.

Her despair, her sin, her mistake, o how much she wish to change it all, that she so desperately accepted the contact given to her by Alaya the collective unconsciousness of mankind as many know it, though she knew what it's true nature really is when the contract was made... Alayashiki; Maintainer Of The Heavenly Laws, for reasons unkown it had come for her and allowed her to join in a holy grail war.

It was an opportunity that granted her the chance to be able to reclaim what once was lost, through a device that can give one single wish, it's maker even boasted that it omnipotent but Artoria could only snort at their boast, for it was truly omnipotent then all problems would have long been resolved, only a single being hold such right and none a magial trinket holds no right to claim such might.

Yet, Artoria doesn't even care so long as it grants her wish to revive her beloved, yet she find herself scared and worried, the intensity of the war in the last few night have put her chances to win the war to be slim, even with the miraculous boost given to her by Excalibur something she is bemused of, wondering just what secrets her sword hides.

"Your majesty?" A familar voice caused Artoria to freeze in place, then again she found herself unable to move the moment she found herself in the throne room, her body stiffened as her eyes drew itself to the source of the noise, as kneeling before her was the very person she so desperately wished to see again.

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