[Fate/Providence: Part IV]

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A/N: here's the next chapter you've all been waiting, hope you all enjoy.


(3rd POV)

Hearing the voice made Artoria go up in alert as she halts herself from swinging Excalibur straight at Lancer head, which was just an inch from doing so, luckily fate decided it wasn't time for the man to die as said servant inwardly sighed a relief of whoever had come to interrupt them, as it given him the chance to fight for another day.

The roar of thunder above the clouds had Artoria halt in her tracks, blade pointing away as her instinct honed through various years of battle flared as she wisely jumped away from where she stood as a silhouette slammed from which she had been standing, sending a loud gust of wind with speck of dirt and dust temporarily blinding the surrounding though it was only for a few second.

Lancer did the same, despite the injury he had initially obtained from Artoria, which goes to show how resilient he is as a hero of the past were before the advent of modern humanity, even when gravely injured, though Artoria felt a bit sour about the interruption for her to trade the finishing blow towards Lancer who was now recovering and trying to regenerate from the injuries he had obtained from before..

She put that tiny petty thought aside and turn assessed the newcomer that boldly interrupted her battle with Lancer, her eyebrows raised at the sight of a war chariot pulled by a pair of massive bulls? Though she was surprised a bit of this, It wasn't the most surprising thing she had encountered in her life, especially when recounts the crazy adventures she and Al had to go through.

The slight divine scent given off by the bulls, prove another fact that they were not the average animals she had known, after all how does one expect a animal with strong and sharp horns fly in the air without some innate ability or inherited traits from their predecessors that's most likely from the age of gods.

Whether it be magic or some conceptual or metaphysical influence, she guess the servant appearing before her was Rider himself, speaking of the servant he was a tall and buff man, with very huge muscles even she admit would even make her knights very envious, though she finds it not so attractive besides who would want a man with such oversize muscles that looks like can crush you so easily with it? Definitely not her.

"Sheath your blades, for a king graces you with his presence." Ontop of that he seems to have a huge Ego not the insulting kind, but one that merely states the obvious, besides the jolly tone of his points out he isn't mocking or insulting her or lancer, perhaps it's just his way of introducing himself? Quite a strange king if she thinks about it.

"I am Iskandar, King Of Conquerors, rider of this holy grail war!" He proudly declared as Irisviel look at the scene with a slight agape mouth, sporting a bit of speechless expression, Lancer had the same though he seems to keep his expression controlled more than Irisviel, Artoria on the other hand look at the person with an incredulous look on her face.

Was the person stupid or just bold to declare his name the moment he made his appearance? Perhaps he is both though she got to admit the man must have guts and quite the bravery to speak out his name whilst keeping that confident smile on his face, thought it also did confirm her theory of him being rider the moment he appeared on the chariot pulled by those divine bulls.

Iskandar, that name click immediately within everyone head, especially Artoria who recalls the small info she'd received upon being summoned to the modern era, Iskandar was well known to have conquered a large part the known world during his reign many centuries ago even before the Roman Empire's conquest over eastern eruope a few centuries later, he was a man with great intelligence and charisma from whatever info she has about him.

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