Chapter 2

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A/N: here is the current territory of the Russian Empire after their victory against the Qing dynasty.

This is the total land that Russia has in the current century bit will change in the 18th and 19th century

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This is the total land that Russia has in the current century bit will change in the 18th and 19th century.

Other than that I do hope you all enjoy the new chapter today.
(3rd POV)

For past 7 years after the war with Qing, Russia has been developing the new territories they have gained from China, a massive road project was made to connect east and western parts of Russia aside from just using the Trans-Siberian Railway that is halfway complete.

Towns and small cities would start to grow between these massive roads that became the new trade routes from the west to the easy, connecting through various vital cities across Central Asia.

Which is becoming the largest sector in producing various agricultural products and raw materials to fuel the vast industrial machine of the Empire.

With most of Western part of the Russian Empire industrialized they are begining to focus industrializing the Central and Eastern part of Russia, more people are encouraged to settle onto the east to further expand and cement their rule over the new lands.

While also preventing any sort of rebellion to occur in the future, they do these by educating and influencing the newer generation so they could be more loyal to the Empire they were born in rather than they were to the nation their parents originated from.

Their is also the Russian Empire's main objective to further expanding the development of the colony, the Suez Canal project has 1/3 part of it finish and with more manpower to used, it is predicted that by 1770 it would be finished.

Russification of newly added ethnic groups within the empire started after the comquest, but their were some who highly resisted and tried to oppose the process and tried to use lethal methods to break of from the Empire.

But they were quickly dealt with without the need to cause too much bloodshed by one of Alexis servants, who was overseeing the eastern part of the Empire.

Trade within the Mediterranean had expanded greatly after few of the ports in the Black Sea was finished and more ships both civilian and military were finished constructed and are in use to trade resources and protect what is rightly the lands of Russia from other European powers.

Russia has been cautious after the few years when they have noticed the seemingly growing tension across most of Central and Western Europe.

Balkan nations were growing and are now sufficient to defend themselves against other powers of the same level, but they do keep a tight defensive alliance with Russia to prevent any major powers to get any idea of trying to conquer them.

Amusingly they developed a phobia of being invaded by other powers and be persecuted like what the Ottomans did before the Russians came and kick them out.

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