Chapter 9

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A/N: quick reminder for everyone, newer chapters will take longer to be publish, as they become more longer to write, so expect the updates to be more random than before, anyways I hope you all will enjoy today's new chapter.

[Total Word Count: 10,241]


(3rd POV)

"Have any of those intact corpses sent to the purifier team so they could be incinerated, we don't want any foul disease forming around our base."

As he tries his best to ignore the stench of ash and cinders, he look at the devastated field being repaired, to describe how the aftermath of the battle would be like yesterday would be like, is as if hell is on earth, having first hand seeing the effects of a solar strike, no one in particular likes to be roasted.

Though it came not a surprise that Field Marshall would resort to such a tactic since he was well known to thoroughly eliminate out his enemies if diplomacy fails, rarely anyone survive his onslaught, maing an enemy out of the Field Marshall is a one way trip to hell for anyone to manage to piss said man.

Shaking himself from his thoughts, he look back to the rest of his team who is with him, all of them standing ontop of a relatively intact hill, with few scorched marks, he knelt a moment and picked a broken tip of a spear, until he hears Daniel speaking.

"Jesus, didn't exprct for the Field Marshal to completely roast the hell out of them, that's very ruthless of him." He hears Daniel, say while trying his best to not sniff the foul coming from the battlefield, noticing how some charred corpses are still there rather than being melted by the bombardment yesterday.

Mikhail couldn't disagree much with what he said, the Field Marshall isn't well known to making a threat without backing it up. after seeing the aftermath of the battle yesterday afternoon he was sure enough to know that the leaders in these world was in his bucket list of going to "beat the shit out of them, till they kneel and beg for forgiveness and surrender".

"This is the Field Marshall Alexis we're talking about, any unfortunate soul to get on his bucket list isn't expected to live the next day, we're also at war, I'm very doubtful these people would surrender willingly without thoroughly showing them how outmatched and outgun they are against us." Valerie says as it the outcome was already set in stone before it could have happened.

"Valerie has a point, what happened yesterday was the Field Marshall making a statement to our enemies, whether they get the memo or not is up to them, grunts like us don't have much say in the chain of command, unless we made something that will catch the higher ups attention to even consider us to be important." Baltazar points out to which none of them could deny as his words held truth in it.

"I know, but to go as far as using a solar strike seems a bit of an overkill don't you think? I mean what do the Field Marshal see in these people to make a statement using that level of firepower?" He asked towards them with a slight frown on his face, to which  Ivan answered faster before for Mikhail would answer Daniel question.

"They're the kind of people who doesn't know their place in the universe, believing it is within their right to conquer, pillage, enslave and rape anything they see, while having an overinflated ego the size of a planet, that what we are all dealing with." Ivan bluntly answered with a stoic look.

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