[Chapter 17]

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(3rd POV)

Silence befall the meeting room as they took note of the new individual that had made their presence known in the most unexpected way possible though it had already been known by people above regarding their presence but had kept it a secret to ensure their words were legitimate and they were not from Japan but from another world entirely.

One who's civilization have long since had conquered the stars and only time waited till they become the masters of their universe... conquering all that is there within their universe before they would embark on a quest to build up a civilization who's legacy will last till the end of times.

A symbol of mankind's... ingenuity and perseverance in spite of the hardships and trials that stand in there way... now they stand as a testament to what man no matter of their flaws and limits can overcome the dangers that await them, to go beyond what they were ordained to reach... for that is mankind's destiny.

No... it's their will and no fate will stand to dictate fate... when mankind ate the forbidden... it heralded their independence from the creator... young and immature they were despite of the knowledge they possess, but lacked the experience to use the knowledge they have... thus giving mankind... a choose.

A choice to forge their own path even if it isn't bright... it was their choice but it's never the end in spite of these hardships... man endured and they will do so again... it matters not whether they are weak... fickle... flawed and are just mere mortals that can rise... or fall.

Hope will always find a way amidst the despair that surrounded them... all that they needed was to persevere and never give up... the UNSC despite of the influence Alexis had made... the efforts that lead to there golden age was of mankind's own effort... he merely help those who would have been forgotten and be left in the dust of history itself.

Now... they stand upon a familiar world yet... it is foreign to their own... a world where man stands divided... plagued by wars... corruption... greed... disasters and blindness to their own shortcomings even when their world is set to face a calamity that would decide the fate of man on a universe where they stand alone... will they rise or fall?

"Time will tell if humanity changes and set aside their difference." Alexis muttered he sat in front of the press conference that Itami and most of Mikhail group were in all the while he is dressed as a random political individual people around didnt noticed the strangeness of his own appearance.

"You already know what their fates will be grandfather... why do you even bother to be here?" Fou asks looking at his grandfather who is musing to himself again as he usually do since he would always see and know everything which is frustrating since he doesnt even elaborate the reason why he's here or every other that he would take.

Fou own grandmother seem to know or at least aware of what his grandfather often think... no surprise given just how affectionate she was with his father... gone was the kingly attitude that Artoria had in her old days... now she acts like a wife at home and a mother to 4 kids that she has given birth and their soon to be new siblings/uncles/aunts that she is carrying for a few days now.

One could even mistake that they were not the same person... but Artoria is still herself... only with changes given she had enough of her kingly duty that had passed many centuries ago and she was keen to never assume such role again... for fear that she would act like she was before and lose her dearest lover again.

In fact she had grown to even hate her duty as a king... preferring to live as an ordinary woman rathe to be someone of high status after all the misery that it had brought her... she does not mind to be nothing but Alexis wife and that was it... something his grandfather didnt mind respecting his own wife decision.

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