Chapter 10

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A/N: below is a short spoiler for one special chapter that I am working on, it will probably be publish in a week or so, expect some dark content to be present and if you do not like reading those sort of things then you may just skip or ignore it.

Also sorry for the late update had been busy with a few things, thankfully I had manage to gather time to finish the current chapter, anyways hope you all have a nice day.

[Word Count: 10,584]

(Sometime In The Future)

"*sigh* It's very disappointing to see  what you have become, you were given a second chance.... but what did you do? Force others upon yourself without even thinking how they felt, drown in nothing but hedonistic perversity, wantonly do whatever you wish without thinking of the consequences?!" Beneath Alexis words were countless layers of fury awaiting to implode was only held back by his nigh-infinite patience as he stared at the man before him.

Here they both stood in an endless expanse of white space, separated between the planes of existence, only silence company them, alongside the emanating cold fury Alexis has, withheld within for as long as he can hold it before he passes his judgment onto the scum that lay low before him.

"Shut the **** up! You were given the same chance as I have, spending what centuries nurturing a world for the sake of your own amusement isn't that right? Your no different to me, I have god's grace, I'm the protagonist, I can do the hell and take whatever I want!"

".......How pathetic is that truly what you think of yourself? Caught in your own delusion, thinking everything you do isn't wrong? I had hope you'd hold even a tiny ounce of remorse or regret, but it seems you have gone to far and for that I shall relinquish those that were given to you." With those words a turbulent force rush towards him, and he felt a sudden lost within him.

"W-Wait! What are you doing? No! Give them back! This is unfair I am the hero I was supose to live an eternal glorious life, but you just have to appear and spew those bullshit justice crap on me as though I'm the villain and then take everything away from me, aren't you just like me?!!!"

"Your not wrong, we both died and gained a second chance, but unlike you..... I never want to be this way, bit understood the role, the burden, the responsibility given to me, I had come to accept it and never run from it, compared to you I NEVER treat everyone, especially those I love and care for as things to be played and thrown when it no long has it's use, goodbye ***** ******." ***** freeze as the Ultimate Gate appears and the blasphemous creaking noises of it opening was heard and in it the gods from beyond the domain reaches out to him.

The endless maddening tune of damnation beckoning his dooms call onto him, cold truth unveiling all his sins and crimes committed onto his new life display before him, though as everyone he wronged had come back to haunt him.

"No! You can't, I can't go in there I don't deserve this! Please forgive let me have another chance I'll change this time I swear!!!." He pleads out but it was already to late for that as tendrils grabs onto every part of him.

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