[Fate/Providence: Part III]

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A/N: here's the latest chapter, hope you all enjoy it.
(3rd POV)

"Assassin has been eliminated by caster." A pink haired girl wearing armor that slightly revealing her lower legs, a massive round-cross shape shield appearing on one hand as she looks at the other occupants of the room who sat separately from one another, the girl say beside the young man who wore a white uniform.

"So it has begun, though no changes yet whatsoever from the looks of it." El-Melloi II pulled the cigar out of his mouth and click his tongue while eyes hardening at the info he and the others had just received, the news was not taken well by him as he'd knew what that signifify, giving out a sigh of frustration as he looks out on one of the windows of the room.

Just as he expected the events played out just as he remembered it clearly, no sort of divergent yet for the most part, they were safe and lucky for now that they have not caused any sort of attention that warranted for 'him' to be awakened otherwise the war would had been all over before any of the participants know it.

El-Melloi II shuddered at the thought of that being awakening, though 'he' may not be an enemy of man nor hold any ill intention to begin with, the weight of his presence being in earth held great away over the fate of mankind, Chaldea had not expected a singularity over this era to appear, but it did and that all the more made hin nervous.

The light that had struck Fuyuki last night was something he and even the masters of the 4th holy grail war couldn't ignore and fairly knew what it means, thankfully no damage had been left on the center point of the attack, but the message behind the attack was fairly clear, it was a declaration of war and a challenge to the other masters, signifying the start of the war by that one action alone.

It would had also been very alarming as the attack would have attracted the attention of the regular world to the moonlit side as the light was seen across the world, it would officially breaking the rules if they were any of the participants of the current holy grail war, however the attack that officially kickstarted the war somehow made the event not known to regular people.

With Assassin out of the picture or atleast in the eyes of the other masters, others will start to focus on attracting  the others attention to lure them out and begin the gruesome process of eliminating their competitors in order to win the war.

"That is within out expectation, the 4th holy grail was an event that holds the greatest sway in mankind's destiny and creating any ripple of change is nigh-impossible to simply diverge, the cause of the singularity may not appear yet." Da Vinci replied from the side as she fiddles with some devices on her hand.

"The change must have either have happened midway through the war or at the end, though the chances are in the former than latter since we know what occurs at the final stages of the war." Da Vinci added as El-Melloi II nod while grimacing at the memory of that particular event.

Any changes at the end of the war is absolutely impossible with the coming awakening, the cause would have been outright eliminated and the grail simply erased, the material to create it forever lost and the finality arriving in full force made the idea of a singularity appearing in Fuyuki to be impossible in a litteral sense of the word.

So the likely perpetrator of the war has yet to appear and would likely hide till the right opportunity for it to spring forth and caused whatever mess it had made to open a Singularity in this place of all things, he just wish that they won't anger 'him' once the mess is all fixed up.

Though the chance 'him' being angry is the least they would expect, not like it's easy or even possible to understand the thoughts of that being, unpredictable is one of the key defining features of the person, you'll never know what he'll do at any given moment.

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