Chapter 13

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[Word Count: 10,660]

(3rd POV) (Somewhere)

In an unkown heavily fortified planet that's 1/2 covering in metal shaped in an alien like design, surrounded by a large numbers of ships hovering or patrolling around the system that planet was in with mobile start fortress acting as ports and bases for some fleet of ship that roam the classified system.

Deep in the most inner part of the giant fortress world, 2 individual displayed on a screen with different logo stared at a 50 foot tall black and red coated mechanical construct who floats every so often at the center of a massive room with a logo that was different than the other two.

"Are these reports correct Logos?" One of the figures asked in a feminine tone, as it skims through the various data it was receiving various location across the region of UNSC territory.

"Positive, the beings dubbed by the natives of Earth Beta as "gods" who has the same esoteric thaumaturgical energy and what we now dub as "faith" energy from what we have studied since the gates emergence have been spotted within pocket dimensions ďesigned in a very crude manner with other beings far worser than the rest." Logos replied with some amount of distaste at the end of his sentence.

It was not left unnoticed by the other two though it was obvious he wasn't trying to hide it anyway, not like it would matter in there like of work just a habit they've gain from being expose to humanity for a very long time now, the second individual

"You sounded upset dear brother, did this "gods" really upset you with the they've designed there dimension?" The third individual asked in a more masculine similar to Logos compared to their more feminine form there second sibling had taken to use most often.

"Upset is an understatement to the state that which I am feeling from the moment of my discovery of those brats who called themselves gods." Logos replied with great distaste and a bit of fury as he shifted the varying gears and machines that surrounded the AI metal giant made of multi-fused metal so complex and utterly valuable the number of it being made yearly is small that it is only used sparingly compared to other rare and exotic metals used across the UNSC.

"Let us set aside the offense you take on this individuals for mos and focus on the meeting at hand, have you finished the pylons I requested dear brother?" His sister asked as Logos hummed and showed an imagery to his sister.

"Affirmative, Pneuma the pylons have been set to arrive at Earth Beta within an hour, Operation Damocles can be initiated at the councils permission once it's all set and done, Athena has. been tasked to oversee the project until it is deemed to be needed." He answer towards Pneuma who sounded pleased as she was quick to reply.

"Athena? Haven't heard of her for awhile now, wasn't she assigned to oversee a multi-quintilion dollar joint-project by the Balkan League, Portugese Commonwealth, United Eurasian Federation, and German Empire, Nous?" Pneuma asked to the third individual who was quick as her to reply to Pneuma's question.

"She was but was lucky enough to have it finish on time before the gate incident, UNSC council believes that the project may have great used in the operation going on in Earth Beta." Nous replied.

"Hm, what was this project she was working on that made the council decided to used it there?" Logos asked with curiosity.

"I haven't given much information yet but I did gleam some info of it being some type of new multi-purpose weapon designed to tear apart anything it touches on a conceptual, metaphysical, and fundamental level." Nous answered.

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