[Fate/Providence: Part V]

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A/N: half of the chapter will be a few reactions of some master to the battle last night and then some moment with Alexis over a few individuals most of you are well aware of who they are, anyways please enjoy todays chapter and have a good to eveyone that reads this.

(3rd POV)

"That little wretched rat!" The sound of several items breaking and crashing reverberated throughout the luxurious room within the hotel that the Archibald had been staying as Kayneth stood in the middle of it all, seething in rage, his appearance was completely disheveled a farcry of his noble appearance that he often shows to the clock.

One might question as to why he would be acting like this, well the answer is very simple, one of his student was the culprit who stole the important artifact he originally intended to use as the catalyst to summon his servant, but the 3rd rate magus of a student of his had clearly plans of his own that he would be very bold enough to try and steal from him! Him of all people!

Thus explains why he was infuriated luckily he manage to control himself and not get his emotion in the way when he saw his student, instead just observed the fight till it's abrupt end, it didn't help that his servant almost lost to the Einzbern servant, which soured his mood much further, he was originally confident that he could take on the other masters.

But seeing as how easily Einzbern own servant fought his own and nearly ended with him being the first loser of the night would have made him a laughingstock amongst the magus of the Clocktower, something that they'll surely use in order to put a smear on his reputation and an excuse to mock and ridicule him especially his fiancee.

It made him realize that the fight wasn't going to be easier than he thought but he was confident that he could win the war against the others, he simply just need to kill the master while pitting their servant against one another, while he use the opportunity to slowly weed them out, The moment he returned back to the hotel with his servant in toe did he let his frustration and anger out.

Still sour and furious at the fact that he was made a fool by one of his student, that now participate in the war with the original student he intended to use, though seeing the recklessness of Waver own servant who he has no control over put him much at ease a bit as it would make things easier for him to take the brat and torture him so much to make him regret his actions once the war was over, before killing him.

His fiancee sat on a table to the side, far away from whatever mess her fiancee us causing, while watching his childish action with great amusement in her eyes, sipping some tea silently as she contemplates some thoughts that had occured during the first night of the war just a few hours ago, both had been observing the entire battle from the eyes of their familiar.

Kayneth was the only one who went to look at the battle, but left her behind as to ensure her safety, of which she knew the true reason of being left behind and confined inside the hotel, that would be her being used as a battery to supply their servant to ensure that Kayneth is able to use his magecraft at full strength should he get dragged in a fight or incase a dire situation occuring.

To her it was insult and she loathed the man with every fiber of her being that took away her freedom the moment, she got engaged to him, now she was being used like a simple tool of his for whatever pathetic plan he had botched up within his head, she already had a limited freedom given by him, now he's restricting her even more, much to her contempt about it.

She was a daughter of a noble house who's lineage spanned many centuries and to be treated like no different to a lesser was an insult to both herself and her pride as a magus,even more so when she had been engaged to the bastard Kayneth, who had an huge overinflated ego and a huge a**h*le who thinks he's the center of the world.

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