[Fate/Providence: Part XVI]

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(3rd POV)

"Aaaaahhhh!" Waver crashed down to the cold marbled road of the Einzbern Castle, a tear in reality behind hin as Iskandar walked out with worse for wear, yet the cheery smile on his face says otherwise to his condition, a look of content and excitement on his face.

"Hahahaha! That was a glorious fight, don't you think master?" Iskandar asks as he looked at the lying form of Waver who was shivering, muttering to himself in a mantra as he curved into a ball, the nightmares he witnessed inside that dimension would no doubt haunt him.

"S-So many tentacles, i-it even has eyes and it l-looked at me!" Yep, he was definitely doing better than most would within that dimension, other than being spooked and several gashes on his clothes which was worn down a bit by the experience he'd just witnessed.

Iskandar only rolled his eyes, his own master being quite a baby for a young adult that would face monsters that plague the planet, or at least for the mage association and anu of their allies that is, the king of conquerors looked around to see the tear of reality that had pulled them into that chaos space.

Was fading away, reality mending itself as the chaotic force that once torned it apart was now disappearing, allowing for the real world to heal the wounds it had receive from the appearance of Chaos who Iskandar believes was now defeated likely by Artoria seeing she is the only one who been able to beat the first and now the second was defeated.

Despite the dangers that had come with facing Chaos, Iskandar was now much more enthusiastic to face off against the next opponent, he had never experience such intense battle in all of his life, it exhilarating and now doubt fun for him, especially with how much effort he had to exert just to survive.

The sheer nostalgia of old memories of his that reminded him of the excitement and joy that he had felt in the olden days when he still fought all across the Arabian lands, warriors and strategies of other kingdoms that he had fought with vigor as he conquered them.

It was just like that old feeling, he'll no doubt enjoy in the next encounter. "Hmpf, so you have survive mongrel." Iskandar attention shifted slightly to gaze at Gilgamesh sitting on a golden throne at the table where they had last been holding a banquet an hour ago or so, he can't tell time works differently when they where in thay chaotic space.

The King of Heroes sat crossed legged, as he lightly twirled the golden cup on his hand, the contents filled with wine that was from Caster, suprising Iskandar slightly to see that he still have some left of those even after some time had passed.

"Hahaha! Of course, I am Iskander, I welcome all challenge ahead of me, for only them can I conquer those that stand in my way." Iskandar boasted as Gilgamesh looked with an unimpressed look, though his eyes gleamed with a strange glimmer of emotion he rarely shows.

"You speak so confident and stood fine despite your injuries, yet that annoying bug you call of a master seems to not share the same feeling as you have in your time within that abominable place." Gilgamesh replied reminding of his master his experience in the Chaos Space.

"Bah! It's his first time, he'll get over it the boy has still much to learn this is but the second skirmish, more are yet to come... I'm sure hell get use to it." Iskandar said while patting the back of his shivering master who looked at him in horror when he uttered those words.

"We shall see... the other mongrels are here now." Is all Gilgamesh said as he continued drinking the wine, enjoying it's ancient taste, reminding of the old days when man still had to work hard much greater than of today which was a disappointment in some aspects of it.

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