[Chapter 20]

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(3rd POV)

"I must admit modern earth is just as I expected it to be to the old times." Alice remarked as the couple walk through the streets unnoticed by anyone due to the fact they look like normal foreign couples wearing winter clothes that is not out of place for a cold place like Japan.

The weather being much more colder when compared to tropical lands like the the south east Asian nations where the only cold day that they experience would usually be stormy weather that's either mild or low.

Of course this also comes at the cost of bringing down floods across some areas... or sudden landslides that takes out the lives of many but this a normality that everyone experienced.

Cynical it might to just disregard all the lives that had been lost during such incidents... it's the way things work and no one could stop it nor complain that it is unfair when it is beyond their control and no God orchestrate such calamities.

Why would a god cause misery? There's nothing to gain whatsoever from doing such actions... it is more counterproductive to do so... though the so called gods of Falmart may as well be one... no they are incompetent gods.

Beings who were tyrants at heart with a childish mindset that used the suffering of others to amused themselves such a cruelty cannot be accepted... especially the many lives they took just to keep the world they live in check just so their reign would not be usurped by anyone.

Unfortunately this backfired when they did not considered how others would think of this... Alexis and Luciel two beings that were and neither gods who reigned supreme over empires that are far greater than what the gods reigned.

Two beings who's ire was drawn by the decadence... excess... and cruelty they'd commit had more than enough to earn their fury and so they gave their verdict the pretender gods lay helpless in their thrones shacked with little sway to their world that would evolve as time passes.

Their influences slowly but surely will end a fitting punishment as they slowly lose power and die of hunger for the lack of faith from mighty gods to lesser beings not even worth the attention of the weakest of spirits.

This is their fate to be forgotten and to feel an agonizing death as they lose power and become husk of who they once were... none could save them from the ires of two beings greater than the sum of creatiin combined together.

But this is not their tale... Mikhail looks around agreeing with his wide as it did reminded him of the post-great war when it was an era of innovation. prosperity and recovery as nations are rebuilt from the ashes of the great war.

It was time of development and desire to expand beyond their world... cultures at the time developed further especially when it came to the entertainment industry as old laws are torn down and changed by newer ones.

Granting more rights of freedom to the people yet written intricately that it also kept many form committing grave crimes against the state or fellow kind, while it did not prevent some it still had ensure that most of humanity would be satisfied with the current laws imposed.

But as times changed laws became less and less restricted... though the rules still are written well enough to prevent loopholes or abuses the laws imposed upon humanity... they may be sentient creatures with freewill of thought.

They could still make mistakes and has flaws that show their inner darkness... for man is perfect as is they are flawed for the way they are... it's what defined them and what shaped them to become who they were now and who they will be in the distant and unknown... future.

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