Chapter 3

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A/N: sorry for the delay, Internet connection has been weak for the last few days that kept me from finishing my worm and delayed it to be published.

The result of my question last chapter had ended with most of you voting for yes, so expect a crossover with Gate in the future chapters of the story after the narration chapters of the new world history.

Also I left a little surprise at some part of the chapter hope you will all enjoy it.


The discovery of Siberium had a major impact in the world after it would be vastly used in the 1880 and so on, upon it's discovery on the year 1772, the Russian government would lockdown the mining operations in Siberia.

Wishing to hide the new element from it's adversaries in the west, who are currently distracted by whatever obsolete tech they had since put into various museums across the country.

Upon the news of it's discovery those that discovered it were rewarded and were asked to keep the discovery a secret, to which they happily agreed after they are paid a large sum of money to ensure their cooperation.

Large research facilities would be constructed right inside the Siberian mountains which would later become the largest testing ground for various techs invented by BTRD

Or also known as Bureau Of Technological Research and Development that would take over the mines which the new element was discovered and began extensive studies on the new element.

Upon first experiment the element had shown to produce and immense energy that far surpassed any steampowered and coal fueled engines could produce.

Having the capabilities to supply the entire nation with one Siberium Reactor as it would later be called on it's for a century.

Electricity had already been discovered for over 2 decades now even before the Seven years war and had been extensively developed, replacing most of the old technology they have that rely on flammable elements.

This had been showcased in the St. Petersburg Convention which many nation in Europe are trying to integrate to their society, with some success in the more larger nations.

While smaller ones could only slowly integrate it to small regions as they don't have the manpower or sufficient technology to fully integrate it, to every corner of their lands.

Most of Europe are on a process of modernization, wishing to catch up to the growing Russian Empire who's capabilities far outpace all of Europe.

Various changes was noted such as the first few steampowered ships are being used bu major powers such as Britain, France, Prussia, Austria-Hungary, Spain, and the newly risen Balkan League lead by the Russian Empire.

A federation of several minor nations, that have join together against one common enemy, the Ottoman Empire, they keep a close ties with Russia, the continental superpower of Europe.

Which many now see as the legitimate and spiritual successor of the Holy Roman Empire and Mongol Empire, due to its massive size that completely surpassed both ancient empires.

Russia was the Balkan greatest deterrent to the Ottoman Empire, who are very afraid of going to war with the super nation, who is more than capable of completely ending their reign.

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