[Chapter 22]

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(3rd POV)

"Man! That was a refreshing bath right there." Came the explanation of Shino as she stepped out of the hotspring with the other girls that had been alongside them, being seperated from the boys in order to grant them their needed privacy... without sort of disturbance.

Looking refreshed as they came out, the others had varied expression though most is a look of satisfaction as they went out of the hotspring following Shino as nothing bad had happened for them.

Which was good as it would've ruined their time within said establishment, especially Valeire who needed a time to chill out and relax as the others put it.

It was also strange that not one of those that had been spying them evee arrived at all, which was both indicates good and bad things that only Mikhails group is aware of.

Mostly because the Hounds of Tandalos have claimed their newest victims and whatever happened to said victims have either a. Died or b. Half-Died and is taken away to be interrogated by the Deathwatch.

The latter option being much worse as even if your physical body died your soul however does not and given that the UNSC have been proficient users of soul manipulation and a deep understanding of it for nearly two century's since it was first discovered.

Those agents sent out to capture or try to kill them were either truly dead or are suffering even in death at the hands of the deathwatch, being best of the best that the UNSC for interrogation, covert ops, cyberwarfare, suicidal operations, assassinations, internal defense intelligence and much more.

The deathwatch is a conglomerate of all of the best agents across the UNSC had to offer, each being much more lethal and dangerous than even the best of the best state agency's possess.

Deathwatch were known only by a few and often mistaken as a special task force, specialize agents, black ops, etc., by most since they always blended with the rest of the agency's across the UNSC.

They are the eyes and ears of the High-Sovereign and Chief Marshal, the elite among elites in their area of expertise that none could match.

To know or see the deathwatch was to know that death itself has their eyes on you and whatever actions inte takes will decide their fate.

Be it gruesome or painless... they were the assassins in the dark, few ever had survive and those that did survive didnt live long to tell the take.

For the dead cannot and will not tell of Death's agent walking amongst them... only special individuals within their own military knows of the Deathwatch and its strictly regulated by a margin of 1-3% that have the privilege to be even aware of the Deathwach existence.

They were after all top secret and those that know the Deathwatch should keep their mouths shut or else as leakage of the specialize unit that acted as daggers in the dark would hunt the source.

And they were always successful in all manners of elimination, this involve the annihilation of those that even tried to spread the Deathwatch existence.

Terrorist, criminals, politicians, officials of the military, all manner of people had been killed and hunted down by the Deathwatch.

They'll always catch their prey... always eliminating them in many ways some gruesome and some relatively tame, innocents are spared only because they discovered them by accident or not out of choice.

But those that did involve themselves in exposing the deathwatch, hoping to get a upper hand and blackmail the organization had ended up in failures in more ways than once.

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