[Fate/Providence: Part XIX]

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(3rd POV)

Love... is a paradoxical phenomena that ensared the hearts of many, pushing them towards a path of both good and bad... creating wonders and calamities to all those affected by it's influence as though like puppets tired upon strings and the whole cosmos was it's theatre.

Their fate is forever defined and shape by this unpredictable force thay overturns the gears of destiny so many times, unraveling the schemes of fate to define its own path upon it's many host.

Some succeed while others fail, love is a cruel master that cares not for the well being of those it manipulate, desiring only to achieve it's haphazard outcome that bring miracles and tragedies upon the entire endless cosmos of creation.

A powerful weapon that strikes deeply upon it's target, giving a crippling blow that felled many grand figures known throughout creation... a blessing yet a also curse in disguise that brings misery to friends, families... and lovers.

Such a peculiar force that contradicts in it's own way... a paradox that doesnt make any sense at varied situations... causing confusions and uncertainties that hangs in balance between good and bad, a single decision to overturn all others outcomes... long preordained.

"Nngh... Alex." Artoria groaned as she'd regained consciousness, with her mind stirring once more as she slowly opens her eyelids... everything seems so hazy for her, despite being a heroic spirit that by all means she shouldn't be affected by common human symptoms.

Given her accessnion and changed that lead to her boost in parameters to that of a grand servant yet being restricted due to her lack of control of said power she had awoken mere days ago during the first arrival of Tenebris in the war.

"She's stirring awake! Quickly give her some space." A strange yet unkown feminine voice rang as she slowly open her eyes... the feeling of soft cushions pressing on her back made her realized that someone had save her after what Order had done to her, her eyes widen.

Memories quickly returning like a truck had slammed into her as she remembered Alex and what order had done... horror and fear gripped her own eyes as she shot straight up ignoring the suprise yelp coming from someone.

Her own worry and concern for Alexis, her lover was more important for her as she felt terror gripping her heart at the memory of his injured appearance just before he was taken away by that monster which made her boil in anger.

"ALEX!!!" Artoria screamed while also panicking for a few seconds before noticing the presence of several people around her as she quickly looked to see strange face until a familiar one shows up, who always had an irritating smile.

"Hoho~ seems you still keep thinking of him, how nice to see this side of you again my dear student." Artoria briefly felt irritation and annoyance washed over her heart as she blankly stared at her mentor who is smiling back at her.

"M-Merlin?! How are you here... more importantly where am I?!!!" Artoria says in surprise while also wondering where she was as Artoria is unfamiliar with the place she was in as well as the the strangers that silently stared at her.

"Indeed where are you? Who knows it is a place beyond the eyes of any that participated in this war." Merlin speaks playfully before being smacked on the head by a red eyed woman who sighed at the mage of flowers annoying antics.

"That's enough Merlin, your student is already confused and hurt by what has happened half an hour ago, there's is no time for to be fooling around." Scathath berated him before Mash step forward to answer Artoria questions.

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