[Chapter 18]

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(3rd POV: UNSC Space)

Set upon space between spaces layed a megastructure that encase an entire star system within its colossal Dyson sphere Jupiter size planets hovers across it's long stretching arms as if mere decorations sustained by pillars of light producing heat sustainable for life.

This was the crown jewel of humanity... or rather the USNC, they're seat of power upon the solar system... or what had been the solar system before it had been encased by the colossal megastructure constructed decades ago since the expansion into space and harvesting thousands of worlds... just to build such immense megastructure.

Yet it held purpose that few would only know of it's nature... a nigh-impenetrable fortress surrounded by smaller yet still sizable star systems fortress that completely surrounds the capital of the UNSC and their government where all decision is made.

What... had lead to the decision of even building this incredible wonder? Few knows and even fewer dare to tell to anyone less they discover the nature of what the massive mega fortress system was built for.... a structure with purpose unkown to even it's own citizen.

Few live to tell the tale... few lived to be able to spread such secrets others... it's secret well kept and hidden... many are forced to sign a soul bound contract just to prevent them frome even spreading the secrets that the fortress held within.

Only... the highest ranked individuals of the UNSC even knew what truly were contained inside the fortress and what secrets that such structure holds... why? For only those with will to comprehend and even bare the truth could know.

It is a vast complex filled with so many vaults that contains many things... guarded by the most elite soldiers of the UNSC each wielding the might to cleave thousands of star systems ease... strength only surpassed by their leaders and those who are aware of the secrets, held within the vast solar mega fortress.

Defenses and traps set in place that can kill even gods should they thread into the vast labyrinth... an web of interchangeable hallways and doors that lead to many places... some good... some bad... others would make hell tremble... from the sheer horrors it could bring upon any unfortunate soul.

Hence... areas restricted for most were kept a secret, millions of the most spiritual intelligence and minds guards the deeper levels of the fortress to keep the secrets that it held... to keep the truth that the government would hide... for such knowledge could bring danger.

Not only for others... but on themselves as well because as they say some secrets are best left untouched... or else they will pay the price for knowing of such knowledge... not everything is free some have price so great... you will lose all that you have even your own being.

Freedom... freewill... destiny and many for such is the price to uncover the secrets laid within the deepest vaults of the UNSC seat of power... greater than even the Spear of Akasha... in fact they wouldn't even come close as dangerous as to what were held within said vaults.

Every chosen member of the council is carefully selected and taught of the responsibilities that they would bare in knowing the secrets hidden within and to keep this secrets undiscovered for centuries to come... until the time when mankind reached... their destined time.

Such was the destiny bestowed upon by the Fateweaver... a destiny they forged themselves and the weaver acted as a guide... a mentor... a guardian that had watched as they grow slowly but surely they would reach their destined time... when mankind ascends to the heaven's.

Not even gods could chain them down... for such age had ended... such shackle broken by the perseverance and defiant nature of man... their desire and will to strive for a better future whether it's for good or terrible intention mankind will always rise and overcome dangers.

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