[Interlude I: From A Moth To A Flame]

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A/N: A two chapter interlude, consider this a break from the main story as the gate arc is soon to finish anyway, plus this has been an idea I've wanted to implement since the start of this story... but I've got too caught up with the Gate and Fate arc, but finally I decided to write this part, so I hope you'll all enjoy.
(3rd POV)

"I feel so bored." Alexis raised an eyebrow as he stared at his daughter, his eight year old daughter to be exact as she rolls around the fluffy carpet of their living room.

"What's the issue with Lucia? I was sure I had her entertained." Alexis thought as he stared at his daughter, they were alone as his wives and other kids were either busy or having a private bond.

Leaving him babysitting their youngest child whom took after her mother or at least when Artoria was still a young kid, just thinking about it bring some sense of nostalgia for Alexis or Alister.

Both of them had long fused together so it didnt matter, they are who they are, there's no need to argue who's the real one among them.

Both acknowledge that they were both real and had lived and experience what life could offer them.

So setting that aside Alexis set aside whatever work he had been focusing a moment ago, shifting towards what was troubling his daughter aside from the boredom she was spouting.

He was quite sure that he offered her a variety of means to entertain herself... after all he wouldnt be all-powerful if he can't simply grant some way to keep his daughter amused.

His very cheeky daughter who likes to cause trouble whenever he takes his attention off of her for even a second, a habit he had gotten use to since she was born.

"Not like the first time I've went through this." He thought having experienced the various chaos his other kids caused when they were simply young back then, unfortunately most of them were grown adults now.

Some have family's now while others are in a relationship. "Times have changed since then." He muses having reminiscent the past that he had lived through with his wives and kids.

"What's the issue dear?" Lucia looks up at him with hopeful eyes. "Father I want to go out!" Alexis sighed realizing what his aughter wants.

"Lucia... we have talked about this you can't go out blowing people because they are bad... even if they deserved it, you'll put some innocents if you aren't careful like last time." He reminded having reminded the fiasco that was Chaldea.

He was sure Gilgamesh hated his kid... after having replaced his entire treasury with cheetos and cheeses, especially the stinky one, never he had seen the King of Heroes so furious like that.

If he hadn't been present at the time he was sure his daughter would've been in deep trouble... luckily he wasn't going to allow the arrogant blonde from ever harming his daughter.

Otherwise he would've done something more humiliating to Gilgamesh and he has been very creative in how to break and ruin the King of Heroes.

A park when someone is omniscient on every part of the cosmos that was unded his control, he gained quite a lot of experince and methods to torture anyone that earned his ire.

"That was na accident! I didnt mean it to happen... besides mister goldie was mean... I was just asking for food but he called me a pest." Alexis held himself from trying to nuke Gilgamesh down to the deepest depths of creation.

Insulting him? He wouldnt care insult his wife or kids? Pray that he wouldn't torment you or the humiliation he will give you would not scar you for life.

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