Chapter 4

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A/N: just a few more chapters likely 2-5 depending on whether I should or not add what happens after the 2nd world war and just skip outright to the modern era, anyways enjoy the story everyone.

(3rd POV)

With the earlier conclusion of the war, America had a much better start than they would originally have had Alexis not interfered and changed the colonies.

America had a much more littler debt that they're capable of repaying in about 5 years, the first thing that they've have focused on was the type of government that they would have.

This was easy enough as they've look up to the Russian Empire and based it on their developed constitutional monarchy type government.

Using the Russian government as a basis they made a more democratic nation that have some minor to major changes from the one's they based it on with a leader being not a King or Emperor but rather a very experience person individual who can lead the newly born nation.

Rather than assigning a King they decide to let the common people to vote the candidate too become their leader, however this wouldn't happen yet for the first term as the american senate unanimously agreed to choose Washington as the 1st president of the United States.

The first year of Washington term as president was to lower the military of the US to only 100,000 as their was no need for a very large to be maintained since war was now over.

While the navy was kept at it's curreny state as they were sufficient enough to maintain it, compared to the formerly 500,000 soldier that the continent army had which was uneeded for most of the soldiers recruited.

Most that were retired simply went home and return to their work or find a different job that needed their expertise, the south was focusing less on agricultural do to the industrialization that Alexis had made to prevent a deadly civil war that could compromise and delay America development of a nation.

Because some stupid idiots just doesn't want to stop slavery as it would affect their livelihood, Alexis snorted at the though of it and would have unleashed a devastating plague to kill said idiots if they think that continuing slavery is a necessary thing.

Already slavery has slowly been banned from several nation, Russia was one of the first to start banning the use of slavery and arrest any illegal slavery being conducted.

Their were some major protest but a quick death theat and law to execute anyone who try to object the order made many to quickly shut up, after Russia executed 32,500 slavers.

Made many realize that they were not joking when the order was made, thus the age of slavery was drawing far more faster than in the original history, eastern nation near Russia and its allies is also enacting said law now.

With most slavers either running to the decaying Ottoman Empire or western Europe who were either occupied with several other problems or not ready to enact such law yet.

The US instead of enacting an isolationist policy, they began to focus on expanding their influence cautiously and proposed a trading and defense treaty with the Russian Empire who they view as the most closest and friendliest ally they have.

It would be a massive deterrent for any other to try and fight the US without getting the Russian Empire pulled into said conflict which most nation doesn't have the courage to fully fight with or without an ally.

The Russian Empire after all was the new Roman Empire that now dictate what policy is played out in Europe, too which many smaller nation are glad as conflict have been kept on a minor scale to not get the Russian Empire ire.

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