[Fate/Providence: Part X]

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A/N: there is a temporary change in my update schedule, chapters will be published on saturday for atleast 2 weeks, due to some personal issues that I need to take care of, other than that please enjoy the chapter everyone, this chapter is divided into two parts perspective pf Chaldea and Artoria with Alexys, so expect some moments for the poor cast that got dragged into Alexys and his daughters crazy machinations.

(3rd POV)

The morning sun arises gently from the east, it's radiance casting the darkness away from the quiet city of Fuyuki that now was back to its pristine state, however some damages that were severe weren't unable to be fixed on time before the dawn had arrived to herald a new day to all but a few people that experienced last night's attack.

On a hotel located northeast of the city, within a modest room lay the last master of Chaldea, unconscious yet still alive as he continued to breath even in a state which had injured hin badly to a point he would have been on death's door, yet his resilience however made it possible for him to survive another day with the help of his own friends or ally.

"Ugh.... My head." Ritsuka groans as his conscience returns to the waking world, body feeling very sluggish as if he had not been out of bed for an entire week, raising one hand to his forehead he slowly raises himself from the soft and comfortable bed he felt that he was lying on, body moving slowly after who knows how many hours or days of being left unconscious after the attack.

His memories of what happened before he lost his consciousness was blurred and could only remember a few bits and pieces as he took to recollect what he could remember during the night he and the rest were attacked by those things from beyond the inner cosmos, it was almost eerily similar to the outer gods yet those thing where something else, both familiar yet alien but neither.

Ritsuka still shuddered as he remember those things that attacked them, the mere memory of it sends shivers and a small headache to course through his head, which cause him to slightly wince at the sudden headache while feeling a bit dizzy as none of then were prepared by the unexpected appearance of those things that likely caused the singularity.

"Senpai!" A pink haired girl lunges right at him, the moment he woke up, he felt the force pushing him back down to the fluffy bed as his body felt a slight pain at the newly added weight, Ritsuka look to see Mashu still wearing armor hugging him with tear eyes on her face.

"Mashu? W-What happened last night? And where is Da Vinci and Lord El-Melloi II, are the three of you alright none of you got injured right?" Ritsuka asked as he patted the teary eyed girl who held him in a slight tight embrace, luckily she held back her strength otherwise his bones would have been cracked into pieces by a simple hug from even a demi-servant like Mashu.

"When you lost consciousness they just suddenly disappeared, several minutes right after whatever they shot you with whatever attack that was used to make you faint, but don't worry I and the others were fine but we had sustained some injuries, still I'm so glad you were okay we thought you would never wake up, please don't do that again senpai."

Mash pleaded at the end as she hugged him much more tighter than before, he could feel the light tears dripping on his blue shirt which wasn't the usual clothe he wears, likely was taken off to be cleaned or repaired, Ritsuka was quick to act as he caresses the poor girl's head while he whispered reassuring words to her eat to calm the girl's worry about him.

"There, there Mashu, it is alright you do not need to be afraid, everything is going to be okay just let it all out and don't think negatively to much." He whispered and continued to hold her for awhile till she calms down from her rollercoaster emotions, she let out after having to worry for him for the the whole night when they were attacked.

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