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Monday morning, Lyla gets dressed and appears in the kitchen with her backpack. Her dad is the only one who doesn't jump when she appears so, he just waves.

"Morning." Tony greets, not looking up from his tablet.


She gets her breakfast and in comes a tired looking Peter, who brightens up when he sees Lyla.

"Hi, Lyla." He smiles.

"Hey, Peter."

"You look nice."


Lyla and Tony secretly make eye-contact for a second and he holds back a laugh as she smirks. Peter gets his food and sits a seat away from Lyla, knowing she likes her space.


Lunch comes around and Lyla sits at a lone table in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall. She doesn't sit with anyone else, mainly because she doesn't have anyone else in this school, niether does she want to.

She sees Flash making his way to Peters table and rolls her eyes with a sigh. That kid is worse than Pietro, in her opinion. Everyone would agree.

Lyla is very annoyed by Pietro but, would easily choose him over Flash. It's weird to her that she has even thought about this, confusing her everytime she thinks anything remotely good about Pietro. Especially, when she thinks about his face. His body, as well.

She saw him shirtless once and had trouble looking away and now, that image has been carved into her brain by the sharpest dagger she has ever seen. It's why she's glad Wanda can't read her mind when it just randomly pops into her head.

Little does she know, Pietro wonders the same thing. He's never seen her shirtless but, definitely thinks about her body and face. She wears crop-tops and tight shirts all the time, he has to fight to look away.

Wanda and him are both lucky she doesn't read his mind. There's no point when Wanda believes he tells her everything. He does but, when it comes to Lyla, he doesn't say what he's truly thinking.

Yet, these dumbasses are too much of dumbasses to realize that this is all because, they like each other. They have feelings for each other and don't even realize it.


The next class, after lunch, Peter and Lyla take a seat beside each other. Neither have friends in this class and Lyla doesn't have any at all, so they sit together, much to Peters amusement.

Class starts and the teacher stands front and center with a large smile planted on his face.

"Good afternoon, class." He beams. "I have a special announcement to make. Because this grade has done so well with their testing scores, there will be a field trip this Friday."

Some of the class beams as they get to have a day off of school while the other half sighs with a few groans, expecting something a lot less exciting than the teacher looks like it will be.

"Hush, now. It's a good one. I promise. You'll love it. We will be going to... The Avengers Tower."

Everyone perked up at that with bright smiles on their faces. Some were cheering while others excitedly shook their friend beside them.

Lyla and Peter, though? Not so happy. They look at each other with wide eyes of terror while people celebrate around them.

"Still gonna lie about the internships, now?" Flash arrogantly asks and both roll their eyes.

"Not a lie, Flash." Lyla claims tiredly.

"Yeah, okay. Have fun with the embarrassment. I'll be enjoying my time with Black Widow."

Both Lyla and Peter internally cringe at the scarring thought. Flash chuckles and turns away.

"This'll be great." Peter sighs.

"I guess were gonna prove 'em wrong. We could totally try and get out of this but, knowing our family, that ain't ever gonna happen."

"No, it won't."


Lyla and Peter just walked out of the school and go to an empty area where the ground shifts beneath them, appearing in the common room.

"I'm gonna kill somebody." Lyla says glaring at a smirking Tony.

"She's gonna choose me." Pietro sighs.

"Just might."


"'Cause I don't like you."

Yeah, okay.

"Moving on." She continues. "Field trip?"

"Surprise." Tony throws his hands out, almost hitting an annoyed Steve.

"That's not a good surprise." Peter states.

"What's going on?" Nat asks confused.

"Our school has decided to reward our grade with a field trip. Guess where?" Lyla tilts her head.

"Here?" Pietro smirks.

"Yeah." She breathes. "And I'm gonna kill the father who let it happen."

"Sweet." Pietro says. "I'm off the hook."

"Not yet, you aren't."

Pietro rolls his eyes and throws his hands up while Tony smiles brightly at the threatening of his child.

"Now, you can prove that Dash kid wrong."

"Flash." Peter corrects.

"Who cares?"

Peter is about to answer but, just sighs with a nod. Lyla throws herself on her seat and sighs quietly, blowing her hair out if her face.

Pietro watches her for a few seconds before furrowing his brows and looking away. Wanda catches this and smiles slightly, dropping it quickly as to not throw the attention on her.

Lyla does the same as she did last night, throw her legs over the arm of her chair. The dramatics of it make Pietro smirk slightly without looking at her.

"What are you smiling at?" Lyla asks.

"Just thinking of ways to mess with you."

"Oh, how sweet."

"I know."

Lyla rolls her eyes and sets her head in her fingers with her elbow on the back of the chair. Pietro smiles again and she scowls at him.

Knowing deep down, she loves that smile.

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