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The next day was very annoying for Peter and Lyla. People saying that they're gonna get caught in their lie. Lyla finds it kind of amusing seeing how much they doubt their stories, their untrue stories, when they are so gonna be proved wrong on Friday.

They get back home and Lyla calmly sits, no longer mad about yesterdays events.

"Do you ever do your homework?" Steve asks.

"I don't have homework."

"Peter always has loads of homework." Tony objects.

"I do my work in class." She smirks, pulling a chuckle from Pietro.

"Rude." Peter points.

"Okay, smartass." Clint shakes his head.

Lyla smiles victoriously and sits back.

"Don't get comfy." Tony stops her.

"We need you and Pietro." Nat stands.

"Uh? Why?" He asks.

"Just follow us." Tony smirks.


They have decided to go along with their dumb plan. Everyone else, except Peter, who they didn't ask, approves. They're all very excited.

Pietro and Lyla give each other weird and confused looks before standing.

"Put these on." Tony hands them blindfolds.

"Okay, yeah, no. This isn't gonna be good." Lyla tells Pietro.

"No, it won't." He agrees.

"You'll love it." Wanda says.

"Highly doubt that." Lyla states.

They both take the blind folds and Tony and Nat help them tie it, giving everyone else a thumbs up as they leave the room.

"What's happening?" Peter asks.

"You'll see." Sam smiles.


Lyla and Pietro hear a door open after a long ass elevator ride and a walk down a long hallway.

They step in before the adults who have their hands on the teens shoulders, leading them up a small staircase. They let go of their shoulders and close the glass door.

"What the hell are we doing?" Lyla tiredly asks.

"Take the blind folds off." Nat orders, obvious smirk in her voice.

The two do as told and are blinded by a bright white light for a few seconds before their eyes adjust.

"Why are we in Lokis cell?" Lyla asks, unamused.

"You're locked in." Tony states. "You will be for a few hours. Together. Alone. Cameras watching so, don't kill each other. Have fun!"

"You know who I'm gonna kill as soon as I get out of here? You two. Then, Wanda, Sam, Clint, Bucky, Steve, Thor, then, the rest of you. Pietro, if I feel like it."

"Why him last?" Tony smirks.

"He's my favorite, right now."

Pietro doesn't know why but, his heart fluttered a little at that.

"Perfect. Making progress already." Nat smiles.

Tony and Nat hurriedly run out of the room and go to the common room, having Jarvis pull up the movie they will be watching for the next few hours.

The Torture of Pietro Maximoff and Lyla Stark.


They run out of the room and Lyla feels like she's about ready to explode from hidden anger. She turns to Pietro who isn't smirking at her but instead, is sitting on the floor, looking at her with a straight face.

She sighs and does the same as him him, sitting directly across from him, staring back at him.

"I wonder what they expect to come from this." Pietro says.

"I have no clue."


"They're speaking to each other already?" Wanda raises her brows.

"Maybe they like each other more than we thought?" Clint smirks.

"I still don't get what's going on." Peter raises his hand.

"We're trying to get them to make up." Nat says.

"Oh? Why?"

"We love the bickering but, to be honest, Pietro likes her. He doesn't realize it, because he's dumb." Wanda states. "And, I don't have to read Lylas mind to see that she's attracted to him."

"Enemies to lovers thing." Nat smirks.

"Oh." Peter nods, still slightly confused but, also not liking where this is going.


Lyla and Pietro have been sitting here for about an hour and a half in silence. He is now laid sprawled across the floor on his back. She watches him, getting stuck in her head.

She stares at the features on his face. His jawline and scruff. She admits that he's actually very good looking.

She's too lost in her own thoughts to realize he's looking right at her.

"What're you staring at?" Pietro smirks.


"You're staring."

"I am? Sorry. I didn't mean to."

Lyla looks away feeling a small blush creep it's way on her cheeks. He sees it and his stomach jumps as he blushes, as well.

They look back at each other after the blush is gone and hold eye-contact for a few seconds before she looks away.

Lyla stands and starts pacing around the cell, Pietro watching her move. Her hips swaying as her long legs move her forward. She leans against the glass wall and lays her head back. Her chest moves up and down as she breathes and Pietro quickly looks away, not drawing any attention towards where his evil eyes were.

"Mind if I join you down there?" Lyla asks shyly.

Pietro looks back at her a little surprised but, nods his head and moves over to give her more room.

She smiles slightly and lays down beside him.


"Okay, but, that's cute." Sam points.

They've been watching it the entire time. Some of them even have snacks as if they're in a movie theater. Peter had gone up to his room pretty quickly without them noticing seeing as, he used the ceiling to get there.

"Yeah, it is." Wanda smiles largely.

"Cute cliche." Clint nods.

"It is a cliche but, that makes it even better." Nat nods and they all agree.

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