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Lyla calmly speed walks off the stage while people cheer and clap for her. She smiles at them as she walks though the crowds, leading to the Avengers.

"That was awesome." Lyla breathes.

They laugh and compliment her, Pietro, no matter how much he wants to say something, stays quiet and gives her a smile when she looks over.


Later on, hours later, everyone has left and it's just the Avengers and Lyla sitting around a few couches.

"Who were the songs for?" Thor asks.

"Like I said, I will never say."

"Pietro." Tony smirks.

"I can't even stand his presence in the room. No."

Pietro chuckles at that, knowing it's a lie and Lyla gives him a fake glare.


When everyone decides to head to bed, Wanda has Lyla teleport her to Lylas floor so, they can talk.

"What's wrong?"

"Girl." Wanda scolds. "Those songs were totally for Pietro."

"No, they weren't." Lyla objects calmly.

"Don't lie. I know it's true."

"I'm not lying. We do not like each other. Those were not for him."

"Okay. Sure. What is he to you, then?"

"He's my enemy." Lyla jokes.

"Well, enemies don't look at each other the way he looks at you."

"What way?" She asks too quicky, immediately regretting it. "I mean, how does Pietro look at me?"

That didn't make it any better.

"Let's see, hmm? Pietro looks at you the way he's never looked at a girl before. It's different with you. He thinks about you non-stop. He looks at you like your the brightest star in the universe. I can't say enough times how much I wish to see you two together. I know about the fake arguments. I know about your meet ups in this room. I know everything. I see everything. I need you to do something about it because, if you don't, I will."

Lyla stays silent as Wanda speaks, full of happiness, nervousness, and confusion as she keeps a straight face staring into Wandas eyes. She stops talking and sighs at the look on Lylas face.

"Please, just try?"

Wanda walks into the elevator while Lyla looks at the ground, thinking for only a second before figuring out what to do.

Wanda watches her and just as the doors are about to close, seeing Lyla disappear and smiling instantly.


Lyla appears directly in front of Pietros closed door, standing there for a few seconds before knocking. The door opens to a shirtless Pietro that freezes Lyla in her place for just a second before looking into his eyes.


"Yeah, hi." Lyla breathes. "Can I come in?"

Pietro moves out of the way and she quickly walks in, him closing the door behind her.

"What's wrong?" Pietro asks, worried.

"Well. I'm kind of freaking out, right now. I was told something that I'm not sure is fully true and I need to say something." Lyla rambles on. "I like you. I don't know if you like me and if you don't, just ignore everything I said... You know what? Forget I was even here. I'm gonna go."

Pietro stands in shock as Lyla disappears from his view. A large smile stretches across his face and he immediately races to the elevator, taking it to her floor.

He speeds in and doesn't see her in the living room or kitchen so, he quickly gets to her room to see her pacing with her head in her hands, not even noticing him walk in.

Pietro gently takes her hands and she jumps, him seeing the tears coming out. He smiles sadly at her as she doesn't meet his eyes.

Lyla takes her hands back and crosses her arms. Pietro places his hands on her cheeks and turns her head to look up at him. Her eyes switch between his and go wide for only a second when his flick to her lips.

"Pietro. I'm sorr-"

"Shut up and kiss me, принцесса."

Lyla freezes and her eyes go wide once again and stay like that. She takes control of her body and pulls him down by the back of his neck for their lips to meet in the middle, both of their eyes closing.

Lyla opens her mouth and Pietros tongue instantly fills it. He moves his hands quickly to her waist, pulling her closer until they are front to front.

"Could be early but, I don't really give a shit, right now." Pietro starts. "But-"



"Mhmm. I'll gladly be your girlfriend."

"How'd you know I was going to say that?"

"I saw it coming."

Pietro laughs, making her smile and pull her back in for an open-mouthed kiss.

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