Lyla had gone to bed with the brightest smile on her face, waking up the next morning with it coming right back.

She gets up and gets in the shower, getting dressed afterwards, brushing her hair and teeth, grabbing her phone, and going to the common room.

Lyla and Pietro immediately make eye-contact and hold back smiles that just look like smirks.

Wanda sits there with the happiest smile, having read Pietros mind and how he won't stop thinking about the little make out session. She stopped reading his mind pretty quickly after seeing that but, was still very excited.

"Pietro." Lyla greets 'coldly'.


She sits in her chair and eyeballs him for a second before looking away.

"Morning, Lyla."

"Hello, Father."

"Ah, there we go. I hate when you have to call me Tony."

Lyla giggles at that and Tony chuckles. She gets her phone out and throws her legs over the arm. Her and Pietro look at each other for a few seconds and smile before looking back at their phones. She just scrolls through things before her eyes go wide and she jumps up.

"Holy shit."

"What?" Tony asks.

"It's gonna make me sound like a bratty teen girl but, my instagram has over a million follows, now."

"Dude." Pietro chuckles. "Show me."

She teleports next to him and shows him her phone. He laughs and she takes it back going back to her seat.

"That's so cool." Lyla smiles widely.

"I don't even have that many." Steve says.

"I'm cooler."

He rolls his eyes and she goes scrolling through who followed her and nearly screams.

"Harry Styles followed me!"

"What?!" Peter, Pietro, and Wanda ask.

"I'm freaking out!"

"Obviously." Nat laughs.

"Ugh. I love him."

"What other celebrities followed you?" Tony chuckles.

"If I check, I'm going to pass out. Pietro, do it."

She tosses her phone to him and he chuckles, scrolling through.

"Oh, you're gonna love this one, Billie Eilish-"

"No fucking way."

"Melanie Martinez. Taylor Swift. Doja Cat. Ariana Grande. Bruno Mars. Sody."

"These people are amazing. Give it back."

Pietro tosses the phone back and she curls in a ball as she scrolls through everyone, smiling brightly at the names as the others in the room, already knowing what it's like, chuckle and smile at her excitement.

"Almost all of Midtown students are on here, too."

"Dude, I'm so not cool." Peter sighs.

"We been new." Pietro smiles at Lyla.

"You know wha-"

"Nuh-uh." Lyla shakes her head. "Not gonna happen. I'll send you to your rooms and you won't be allowed out until morning. People bringing you scraps of left over food. No fighting."

"I love this kid." Tony sighs with a smile.

"Memories." Bucky says.

"Mmm." Lyla agrees. "Moving on. Peter. You just have to wait. They already know for sure, now that you work at the tower."

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