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Pietro and Lyla get back to their spots in the common room while she hugs onto his waist.

"Hey, Lyla?" Tony calls.


"I may or may have not heard you and Pietro talking."

"Oh, great." She nods. "That means that Nat and Wanda where there to stop you from coming in so that Pietro could talk to me instead, meaning they heard, too. Then, you came down here and told everyone. So, I can only guess, everyone in this room knows how tired I am."

They stay quiet, always forgetting how she's always been able to figure this kind of stuff out and she nods, knowing exactly what their silence means.

"Okay. That's great. I told Pietro and now everybody knows."

She disappears before anyone can say anything and Pietro groans with his head in his hands.

"Really, guys?" He looks up at them.

"We didn't me-" Wanda starts.

"Come on." He sighs. "I am trying to help her but, that just seems to not want to happen everytime she comes down here. Sharon, it's her chair, just don't sit in it. And try not to be a dick, too. Peter, get over it. That's her choice who she likes, not any of ours. Tony, Wanda, and Nat, that wasn't your business to tell. So, good job on all of you. You're doing great."

"What? You think we're not trying, too?" Tony furrows his brows.

"No, I know, you are. That goes without question. But, what made you think that she wouldn't care that her tiredness was spread throughout the Avengers when it was meant for my ears only? So, yeah. Good job on bringing her mood right back down to where it was before you heard her laugh and saw her smile. That's all I want her to do right now and you are not letting that happen. Keep it up."

He's gone before anyone can say anything and they all turn to each other with unreadable expressions.

"Wow." Sam and Bucky nod.

"Didn't see that coming." Clint sighs.

"Op." Wanda realizes. "Really?"

"What? I'm serious. I wasn't mocking him this time. I knew they cared but, shit. He's pissed. 'Keep it up'? Damn."


Pietro gets to Lyla to see her sitting on her couch, a blank expression on her face as she stares at the wall ahead. He sighs and slowly makes his way over, calmly sitting beside her.

"I miss my Lyla. Where'd she go?"

"Hydra took her." She states in monotone, her voice cracking with her words.

"What'll it take to bring her back? 'Cause I'll give whatever I can to bring her back to me. I miss her smile. Did Hydra take that from me, too?"

She just nods and he sighs and lays his arm on the back on the couch while pulling her back to his side.

"What'll it take, принцесса?"

"I don't know."

"Time to find out. I'm miss her."

"I'm sorry." She cries.


"No, I'm sorry." She turns to him. "I want her back, too but, I'm not even trying. I'm just letting you do all the heavy lifting. You've done it all for me and I've done nothing. I just don't know how to do it. How do I bring her back?"

"I don't know." He coos as he sits up, placing his hands on her biceps while she stays where she is, on her knees, on the couch. "We'll figure it out together. But, right now, you're still in pain and need to rest. Okay?"

She takes a deep, teary breath before shakily nodding. He takes her to her room and lays her in the middle of her bed, laying the covers over her. He closes all her curtains and turns on a favorite tv show of hers before getting her popcorn and water. He gives her a single long-lasting kiss with an 'I love you' before he's gone back to the common room, leaving her with a small adoring grin.

Pietro sits back down with his phone, ignoring the eyes on him.

"Pietro." Wanda calls.


"What's she doing?" Tony shakes his head.

"I'm making her rest 'cause now she's stressed out about bringing back the old Lyla. She's laying down with her tv show, popcorn, and water. She just needs a break."

"When did you start caring about her?" He furrows his brows sincerely.

"I always cared."

"No, you didn't." Peter objects.

"She annoyed me. Doesn't mean I wouldn't care if she was ever hurt."

"Then, why didn't you act like it?" Nat asks.

"Why is this all being turned into some type of scolding?" He sets his phone down. "Sorry that I decided to finally get over myself and be with someone that I had no reason to hate in the first place. Sorry that I'm sticking up for her when people eavesdrop on conversations that they shouldn't. Sorry that I've decided to fall in love with a girl, who's had one of the worst lives you can imagine and just needs help. She needs help and this is what you're gonna do, instead? Get mad at me for getting mad at you for a good reason. Does that make any sense to any of you?"

"No." Wanda answers for herself.

"Exactly. Anybody else?"

"You really fall in love with her?" Tony nods.

"Isn't that obvious by now?" He breathes with furrowed brows. "You guys always said that we'd be great together. You not believe that anymore?"

"Just the opposite actually. I think you're amazing for each other." He nods and Peter furrows his brows with doubt.

"What'd you say to me at the field trip?" He shakes his head. "It didn't sound good."

"That's because, I was talking to you." Pietro shrugs. "If I had told her what I said, it'd be nicer. But, I don't like you so, it sounded mean."

"What'd you say?" He ignores his comment.

"Listen to it, if you're so concerned."

"Friday, play our argument from the field trip."

Pietro leaves the room and the recording starts, leaving Wanda to smile as she repeats his words so, they can understand.

"Well, damn, that was adorable." Nat chuckles.

"What a baby." Clint chuckles. "I'm so gonna make fun of him for that."

"You're a child." She nods and he just shrugs.

"That really what he said?" Tony asks.

"Yes." Wanda, Nat, and Bucky nod.

"We haven't heard her side, yet."

"We've seen it, though." Nat objects. "She may not say it but, she shows it. She's attached to him at all times. Probably is right now. Takes him everywhere she goes. Doesn't even like crying in front of people and she sobs in his arms, on the floor. He's qualified, unlike anyone else in this tower. He's her safe space and she's his soft spot. They love each other and that's that."

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