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When Pietro left the room, he did exactly as Nat suspected and went straight to Lylas room for her to quickly turn on her other side and attach herself to his side, making him smile.

"I yelled at them."

"For what?"

"They upset you again and I'm tired of it. Friday."

"Got it."

Lyla pauses the tv and listens as Friday plays two recordings, cut in half when he leaves the room. He lowers himself and she wraps her arms around his torso as he hugs her neck while he waits for her reaction and she listens intently to their conversation.

It ends and she doesn't say anything, just holds tighter with a sigh. She nuzzles her face in his chest as he does in her hair.

"I love you so much." She cries.

"I love you, too, принцесса." He sadly grins. "You're not mad at me for yelling at them?"


"Not even Tony?"


"Oh, well, that's a relief." He breathes.

She chuckles before that just turns into more tears while they hold close to each other for as long as needed.


A few hours later, Pietro and Lyla appear in front of the couch and Tony immediately pulls her into a hug. She grunts of surprise before smiling and hugging him around the neck while Pietro sits down with a cautious glare.

"Hi." She chuckles.

"I'm sorry." He sighs.

"It's okay, now. Just prefer stuff like that isn't known by everyone."

"I know, I wasn't thinking in the moment."

She sighs and nods before he lets her go and she sits beside Pietro, who lays his arm over her shoulders while Tony goes back to his spot.

"That's only 'cause I yelled at them." Pietro jokes in a whisper.

Her straight face turns to a slow smile and she looks up at him while shaking her head. He just shrugs and she chuckles while turning away. Tony smiles slightly, having watched that small exchange with Nat and Wanda.


At some point, Lyla zones out on a cup on the coffee table. She's leaned into Pietros side while hugging his waist, close to passing out when her eyes go wide for a second before forcefully relaxing them as that very cup moves an inch over. She smiles slightly, having to hold it down as she moves it a few more inches, grabbing everyone elses attention.

"Wanda?" Bucky points.

"That's not me." She shakes her head.

"We got a ghost?" Clints eyes go wide.

Lyla holds down a large smile and laugh as she moves it again and they jump.

"Uh, o-okay, if we do have a ghost, can you... Move the whole table?" Tony suggests.

Lyla moves the table over a tad bit and half of them jump up and out of their seats. She lets herself giggle and they all turn to her as she smiles at them.

"What is so funny about ghosts?" Sam throws his arms.

"It's not a ghost." She chuckles.

"What was it, then?" Thor challenges.

"It was me." She sits up.

"What?" Tony and Pietro ask.

She chuckles and points to the cup, everyone watching it move with her finger.

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