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Tuesday morning, Pietro throws his arms out as Lyla appears in front of him. She smiles and sits in his lap, hugging around his neck while he holds her close around her waist.

"So pretty." He breathes.

"Who? You? Yeah."

"No, you."

"Oh." She sings. "Eh."

He gasps and gently pushes her back, trying and failing to hold back a smile when he sees her toothy grin.

"What'd you just say?" He chuckles.

"I said you're pretty." She shrugs.

"Not that part. You just say you're not pretty?"

"I said, eh."

"That means you think you're not pretty. Shut the hell up. Gorgeous asshole."

She laughs and pulls him into an open-mouthed kiss, hugging him once more before disappearing off to the kitchen.

"You still angry?" Tony asks.

"No, that's more of a day one thing, for me."

"Oh, good." He grins.

"Yeah." She scoffs.

She does as she does every morning, fake glaring at the male Avengers as she walks past the nervous men.

"Lyla." They back up.

"Sup?" She smiles.

"Are you gonna kill us?" Bucky squints his eyes.

"Not today." She shrugs.

"Tomorrow?" Thor asks.


They sigh of relief and she sits in her chair, Peter sitting on the couch with the others. She gets her phone out so, it looks like she's busy and he won't talk to her.

They eventually get to school and Lyla takes a deep breath before walking in, trying to avoid any confrontation with anyone, and failing.

People call her and she pretends not to hear it, speed walking to her locker, Flash showing up beside her.

"What do you want?" She rolls her eyes.

"You." He smirks.

"What?" She almost burst out laughing. "Not gonna happen, dude. Not interested."

"You telling me you're interested in Peter? Always walking in here with him."

"When the hell did I say that? I didn't. Just go away. I don't want to talk to you."


He goes to walk away when she grabs his arm, pulling him back to a locker.

"What'd you just call me?"

"A bitch."

"So, you don't get your way and all of a sudden, I'm a bitch? Is that how it is? No, Eugene. Get that stick out of your ass before I get a fucking Avenger to do it for me. Get the hell out of my face."

She aggressively releases her tight hold on him and he hurries away. She ignores the eyes on her and grabs her stuff, walking to class and taking her seat in the back.

The bell rings and people come in and sit in their assigned seats, waiting for the teacher to start talking.



"I expect you to continue learning like a normal student."

"Okay." She squints her eyes. "Was going to anyway but, sure."


Lyla tilts her head at him before sighing and shaking her head, trying her best to calm her anger, bouncing her knee and taking deep breathes. He starts the lesson with his words and Flashs stupidity replaying in her head, pushing them away to focus on what he's saying now.

When class ends, she storms out of the room, marching towards her locker, Peter actually catching up with her this time.

"Hey, Lyla." He trys to coo.


"Sorry about what he said."

"It's fine."

She grabs her stuff and walks away from him, getting to her second hour.


Lunch comes around and Lyla goes to her room instead, Pietro speeding in after she texted him.

"Hi, принцесса."

"Hi." Her voice cracks as she paces.

"What's wrong?" He places his hands on her cheeks, stopping her movements as she looks up at him.

She starts crying and throws her arms around his torso, holding tight as he worriedly hugs her neck.

"Alright." He coos. "What happened?"



"Flash. My teacher. Peter."

"What'd they do?" He already gets mad.

"Peter didn't do anything wrong, he's just annoying."


"Teacher said that he expects me to keep learning like a normal student. I agreed because I was going to anyway and he didn't care or believe me. He was being a dick."

"Yeah, he was. What'd Flash do?"

"He tried to hit on me, I rejected him. He assumed it was because, I liked Peter. Gross. Then, I told him to go and he called me a bitch."

"A what?" Pietro gets angry and gently pushes her back to look her in the eyes.

"A bitch. I threatened him with the Avengers, saying they can pull the stick out of his ass for me, if he doesn't do it himself."

"Oh my god." He chuckles.

"I know." She smiles. "I'm did good."

"Yes, you did." He pulls her back into a hug. "I would've killed him, if I was there."

"I know." She chuckles. "You still could."

"I just might."

She holds a little tighter before letting go and pulling him down to her lips, having a nice long kiss until, she has to go back to school.

"Bye, Ангел."


"Aww." She squeals.

"Bye, принцесса." He chuckles.

"Bye, принц."

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