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Everyone looks up in confusion as to why Lyla's back and sees her standing completely still, staring at Pietro until, she looks back down and uncovers the bloody wound.


She starts to wobble as her knees go weak and she almost falls but, Pietro's there in less than a second, both on their knees, everyone else getting up too now.

"Lyla, Lyla." Pietro calls.

She looks back into his eyes with terror and sadness pooling in them. He quickly picks her up and speeds her to the med-lab, Bruce already being there.


He turns around quickly, dropping everything when he sees what's going on, jumping up and to her side as she lays on the bed, her eyes getting heavy.

"No, no." Pietro sets his hands on her cheeks, tears rolling down his face. "Keep your eyes open, Lyla. Don't you dare close your eyes."

The others come racing into the room, watching Bruce work fast, Tony coming to help as best he can, all feeling a new fear flow through their veins.

Lyla keeps her blurry eyes open for as long as she can until, she passes out and Pietro nearly freaks out.

"Lyla, open your eyes!" He starts shaking her head. "Come on, Lyla."


Bruce and Tony have stabilized Lyla, getting the bullet out, and giving her an IV, Nat putting her in a 'hospital' outfit. Most have gone back to the common room while Pietro stayed in the room with an unconscious Lyla.

He sits in the chair beside her, holding tight to her hand, staring at her face, dry tears stained on his face. Her eyes open and his go wide as he jumps up.


Her eyes flicker to his and she takes a deep breath as she instantly starts sobbing, pulling him down to a hug.


The Avengers watch on the TV in the common room, hearing it all, too.

"I'm not kidding, he just called her princess." Nat states.

"She's not kidding." Bucky shakes his head.

"What?" The none Russian speakers sing.

Pietro pulls away and places his hands on her cheeks.

"What happened?"

"They almost got her back." Lyla cries. "They almost brought her back."

"Who? Ангел, who did they almost bring back?"

"And now, Angel." Nat nods.

"Whisper." Lyla states. "They almost brough Whisper back."

"Whisper?" Bucky leans forward.

"Who?" Steve asks for everyone.

"Who's whisper?" Pietro coos.

"Me. I'm Whisper."

"What?" Buckys eyes go wide.

"Who's Whisper?" Tony asks.

"Listen." He sighs and everyone worriedly turns back to the screen.

"I don't know who that is."

"A soldier." Lyla states. "Like the Winter Soldier, I was Whisper."

"What?" Everyone but Bucky asks.

"What?" Pietro asks. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry." She cries. "I should've told you. You of all people should know this and I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't tell anyone 'cause I didn't want you all to think differently or badly of me and now you know and I'm so sorry."

Pietro stays quiet for a few seconds before sighing and laying their foreheads together.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He coos. "It's alright, I under-"

"But, it's not. I did horrible things that I shouldn't be forgiven for. It's not okay."

"Oh, god." Bucky sighs.

"How bad is it?" Tony hesitates and he just shakes his head, saying he'll explain later.

"I killed again." Lyla cries. "I did it again."

"Alright, okay, stop talking."


"Lyla, please? I don't care what you've done or what you had to do to get out of there so, please, stop talking. It does nothing good for you and I can wait to hear about it another time. Right now, I need you to relax and breathe. Calm down before you panic. You need rest and don't worry 'cause I'm not going anywhere."

Lyla nods as she starts taking deep calming breaths, staring into each others eyes. She brings her hand to the back of his neck, pulling him down to a kiss.

"Oh, shit!" Half of them jump.

"What the fuck?!" The other half shouts, Wanda and Vision just smiling.

"Did that just happen?" Sam asks.

"That just happened." Clint confirms.

They pull apart and he moves to lay beside her, pulling each other close as he plays with her hair, calming her to sleep.

"What?" They all ask.

"When the hell did that happen?" Nat throws her hands.

"Wanda?" Half of them call.

"I ain't saying nothing."


"Who's Whisper?" Tony asks.

"Another mind controlled soldier." Bucky states. "Trigger words and all. We... worked together before and she always had her mask on so, I never got to see her face, she didn't speak either but, I saw her work. She was only nine when I watched her take out another soldier and six other people. I heard more about her over the years and it's nothing good."

They all stay quiet, not sure what to say and truly in shock of this news. None of them are mad at her, they aren't disappointed either. They're just confused, worried, and pissed at Hydra.

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