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After completely shutting down and months of ignoring everyone and everything, Pietro has only gotten worse and is scaring Wanda for his safety. Even when he doesn't want it, she's with him almost everyday unless it's one of the days that he really needs to be alone.

She's actually calling him now. He lets it buzz on the table while she waits with worried brows on the other end. It stops ringing and start dinging with a few messages.

He sighs and picks it up from the coffee table to see that she's saying that it's Morgans birthday and that he should be there, at least for an hour. He's hesitant to go because of how alike she and Lyla are and he's just afraid he won't be able to handle it. He doesn't want to hurt Morgan out of fright but it's just so hard.

But, he gets up anyway. He puts his phone on silent and takes a long-awaited shower.

Once he's ready, he speeds to their front door. His heart drops with anxiety but he pulls through for his 'little sister'.

He knocks and it opens a few seconds later. Tony gives him a sad and grateful grin and lets him in while he does the same to him.

"Oh, Maguna!" Tony calls her downstairs.

Wanda smiles at him and he grins a bit with a knot in his chest. Peter, Bucky, Sam, Bruce, Thor, and Rhodey are also there.

Morgan comes skipping down the steps and Pietro actually smiles a bit. She looks and gasps with an excited smile when she sees him.

"Pietro!" She takes off towards him while everyone smiles.

"Hey!" He squats down for her.

She throws her arms around his neck and he lifts her into his arms while standing.

"How you doing?" He smiles while placing her on his hip.

"I'm gonna be six."

"Yeah, I know." He chuckles with a nod. "That mean, you're doing good?"


"Well, that's good."

"Yeah." She nods. "I have something for you."

He sets her down and she races back upstairs while he sits in an armchair. Already knowing what it is, Tony and Pepper worriedly look at each other before signalling to the others. They manage to figure it out pretty quickly and turn away, other than Wanda, who watches close, just in case.

Morgan comes thudding back down the steps and to him with a piece of paper. She hands it to him and he breathes a smile while sitting forward and covering his mouth.

"Thank you, малышка." He grins with tears in his eyes.

"Do you like it?" She smiles.

"I love it." He shakes his head. "Come." He waves her closer.

She happily giggles and climbs onto his lap to hug his neck while he hugs her waist. He stares at the drawing with furrowed brows and a stray tear slips out, making Wandas eyes water while turning away. Clint pats her back and she takes a deep breath before turning back to Pietro.

Morgan has slipped her way down to stand between his legs while talking about the drawing with excitement from her and hidden misery from him.


A few hours later, it's eight-thirty at night and Pietro had decided to stay as long as Morgan wants.

She has just fallen asleep in his arms and he waves to Tony to get his attention. It works and he gently takes her to carry her upstairs.

"Wanda." Pietro quietly calls while standing with the drawing.

"Yeah?" She turns.

"I'm gonna go." He motions to the door.

"Okay." She stands. "I wanna talk to you first."

He nods and they step outside with a wave everyone else from him. They get to the yard and she stops him.

"I'm happy you came." She grins softly and he nods. "Proud of you. I know it's hard-"

"How are you, though?" He quickly interrupts. "Vision."

"I am..." She breathes. "Just about as sane as you. Just better at hiding it." She nods and he chuckles a bit. "Don't try changing the subject. You and Lyla were together far longer than Vision and I. For us it was a little over a year while you guys were with each other for five, almost six. And engaged." She reminds and he furrows his brows down at the ground. "I saw the ring at the funeral, just haven't said anything about it. Where is it?"

He reaches in his shirt and pulls out a necklace with the ring hanging on. She holds it in her fingers with it still around his neck.

"It's beautiful."

"She loved it." He nods with a crying smile. "God, I can't do this."

"Yes, yes, you can." She nods with furrowed brows and he shakes his head while holding in a sob. "Pietro, look at me."

"No, I can't."

He fades away with a blur and she lets out a crying deep breath with Clint coming out for her a few seconds later.

Pietro makes it back home and collapses on the kitchen floor with his back against the counter. He screams painfully into his hands before that turns into a loud heartbroken sob.

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