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"Pietro, we need you for this mission." Wanda pleads on the other side of the phone, two years later.

"Okay, fine." Pietro sighs. "I'm coming."

"Thank you."

He hangs up and sets his head in his hands. He takes a deep breath before getting up and putting on a pair of jeans and his blue long-sleeved shirt.

He hesitates before speeding off to the location Wanda gave him. She, Sam, Bucky, and Rhodey are the only ones there and she briefly explains what they're doing.

Get in the Hydra base, grab what they stole, get out. Pretty easy stuff for Pietro but the building is heavily guarded and has been difficult to get into.

Eventually, Rhodey announces that he found a way in that seems to be empty like they forgot about it. Pietro gets there and quickly makes his way through while Bucky explains the layout and where he needs to go.

He finds the machine and grabs it, only to feel a burning pain in his chest. He looks down to see a bloody hole before looking at where it came from to see a Hydra agent.

Pietro quickly gets out of there and drops to the ground in front of Wanda.

"Pietro!" She gets to her knees. "Guys, help!"

By the time they get there, it's too late. Wanda's left silently sobbing on Pietro's shoulder while the three worriedly stare at his dead body.


Pietro wakes again, standing in front of a beautiful pond. He confusedly looks around until slowly remembering what happened with furrowed brows.

After realizing where he is, his eyes go wide and he goes racing through Heaven, asking around for anyone who's seen Lyla. For the five minutes that he's doing this, his heart is pounding in fear that maybe she didn't make it.

That is, until he finds one person that is able to point him in the right direction. He thanks them tremendously before racing away, leaving Stan with a smile.

Pietro goes the way he led him to find a house that is the exact replica of theirs back home.

He stares as his eyes start watering when he sees Lyla walking through the kitchen window. He runs in as she's walking to the living room and places his hands on her shoulders.

"Oh, God." He cries while moving her hair from her face.

With slightly wide and teary eyes, she gently cups his cheeks with her shaky hands.

He quickly pulls her into a tight hug by her torso and starts sobbing on her shoulder and in her neck. She holds him close to her body with silent and heavy tears streaming down her red face.

He leans his back against the wall behind him and slowly slides down. She follows until he's seated with his legs out and she straddles his waist. She's still hugging his neck with her hand on the back of his head that lays on her chest with her cheek on his hair.

Once he's calmed with a tear-stained face and steady and tired breaths, he slowly lifts his head to look in her eyes.

"Hi, принцесса." He softly smiles.

"Hi, принц." She grins with a sniffle.

He chuckles with more slow tears while rubbing up and down her arms and shaking his head. She softly rubs her thumb over his cheek while he takes a deep breath with a grin.

"Blue, huh?" He picks at her dress.

"Everyday." She shakes her head with a chuckle.

"You're so beautiful." He cries.

He quickly cups her cheeks and pulls her down to a rough kiss that softens at contact.

"I love you so much." Pietro moves Lyla's hair behind her ear.

"I love you, too."

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