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It's been a week and is Friday.

When Monday came, the students were ecstatic to find out what happened but, were a little disappointed when Lyla didn't have any problem, like Tony usually does.

Lyla and Pietro have acted as if they still don't like each other for that sake of not wanting to be annoyed by the annoying team. 

It's been difficult for both of them, Pietro not telling her what the arguement was about made him feel horrible and her very confused and curious. Lyla knows that she could just ask Friday what it was about but, she told Pietro she wouldn't do that. She only did it because, he looked very scared of her finding out.

They've both sat up late at night in their rooms, yelling at themselves to tell them how they feel but, never having the true balls to do it.

The week had gone by pretty quickly but, Lyla had been getting much attention that she wished it had never happened. She hates when all eyes are on her but, she somehow is still able to sing for those people.


Lyla doesn't know, either.

Speaking of singing, the kids at school are the most excited they have ever been about the news. A classmate who has always been quiet and smart was now going to be singing for Tony Stark who is also her boss and she is allowed to call 'dude' and 'idiot'.


Lyla is in her last hour and even the teacher is asking her questions about the party. A bunch of people start asking her questions to which she answers right away, if possible.

"What time will you be on?"

"I'm not sure but, it'll be on the news at seven. Tony'll probably just put me on at a random time."

"I'm so excited."

"How do you think I feel?" Lyla chuckles. "I'ma be on TV and probably the whole school will be watching. That would suck if I messed up."

"Positive thinking." A kid teases.

"Wanna know something? That sounds exactly like something Sam Wilson would say."



The kid just smiles excitedly as people continue to interrogate the girl. The bell rings and she jumps up, ready to leave the questions. She gets to her locker with a bunch of people telling her good luck and that they are really happy for her and can't wait to watch it.

She smiles gratefully at all of the compliments and good wishes but, is just ready to get it over with.

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