After nine long years of being Hydras pet, fourteen year-old Lyla Stark has finally made it out. After being shown a video about the infamous Tony Stark, she broke out of her trans, broke away from Whisper.

She pretends she has no clue until the day she's sent out to kill him. She was supposed to wait till he was out and alone but ran to the tower instead.

With tears streaming down her face, she speedwalks through the lobby and to the elevator. She ignores the judgemental stares from the workers and rich visitors and the doors close in front of her.


"Yes, Ms. Stark?"

"Oh, my God." She chuckles with tears. "Take me to the common room, please?"

"Of course." The elevator starts moving. "It's good to see you, again."

"You, too, Jar."

After a far too long ride up, the doors open and she quickly walks out. Five of the original six are there and Natasha and Clint instantly put their weapons up with glares from all.

"No, wait!" Lyla puts her hands up. "Where's Tony?"

"Here." He calmly steps out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

She covers her smile with her hand and just says, "Lyla". This is all she has to say for him to drop his mug a few seconds later. She hurries over and throws her arms around his neck while he hugs her as tight as he can.

The others lower their weapons and calm their glares. They turn to each other with surprised faces, having found out who Lyla was a while ago.

She starts to sob in his neck and hold tighter while he cries on her shoulder.

"Where have you been?" He breathes with his hand on the back of her head.

"Hydra took me."

He squeezes his eyes shut in anger while shaking his head. They don't say anything else for a while as the anger, pure joy, and sadness circles through his mind.


At age fifteen, Lyla and her family had a run in with the lovely Ultron.

When the Avengers brought Wanda and Pietro maximoff to the tower, Lyla was having a little trouble looking away from Pietro.

"Goddamn." She whispers while shaking her head.

"What?" Tony asks.

"Nothing." She sighs.

"Okay." He slowly squints his eyes and she smiles.

Pietro looks over at her as she looks at him. He grins a smirk and practically checks her out and she turns away while holding down a smile.

But, then, things had to go sideways for them.

After Ultron was dealt with and they were all in the tower, Lyla was standing in the kitchen when Pietro comes in and nudges her a bit, which is something he's done about three times. She closes her eyes with an annoyed sigh and he smirks.

"Is that really necessary?" She shakes her head at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugs with a grin.

"Y'know?" She fakes a bright smile, making him smile. "You are just a super fucking funny asshole aren't you?"

"And you must be a stuck up bitch, huh?" He tilts his head.

"Oh, I guess so." She breathes with a nod and grin.

"Bye, stuck up bitch."

"Bye, fucking asshole." She flips him off.

He does is back and speeds away, leaving her to grit a few curse words at him with a glare while he smirks annoyingly on the couch.


At age seventeen, there was a Stark Party. At said party, Lyla sang a few songs for certain someone before being scolded by that someones twin sister.

This caused Lyla to hurry to Pietro's room and mess everything up. Or so she thought. She gets back to her room and instantly tears up and starts pacing. She sets her face in her hands before jumping as they gently get pulled away.

She sees Pietro and crosses her arms while avoiding teary eye-contact. He cups her cheek to turn her head to look at him.

"Pietro, I'm sorr-"

"Shut up and kiss me, принцесса."

After a few seconds of surprise, she quickly pulls him down to her lips for a rough kiss.

Eventually, her knees are pushed to the end of the bed and she lays down while he crawls with her to lean between her legs. One long makeout session later, they separate with heavy breaths and small agape smiles.

"You know how badly I wanted you to like me when I first saw you?" She breathes while playing with his hair with her other hand on his cheek and he smiles.

"I did."

"Yeah, but, you were an asshole."

"I know." He chuckles and she laughs. "That was on purpose."

"I figured." She nods with wide eyes.

He shakes his head and lowers to her soft lips for a few second kiss before pushing himself to stand.

"Goodnight, принцесса." He smirks while nudging her knee.

"No, wait, one more."

She gets to her elbows while reaching for him and he smiles. He lowers to rest on his fists on either side of her and she places one of her hands on his cheek to pull him into a rough kiss. They separate a few inches a few seconds later with small smiles.

"Goodnight, принц."

He races away, leaving her to roll to her stomach with an excited laugh.


Now, at age twenty-two and twenty-three, Pietro is sitting on the couch of their home when Lyla comes in and plops a seat in her armchair diagonal from him.

"Look at this."

He hands her his computer and it takes her brain a few seconds to fully register what it's looking at before she smiles with a light and breathy chuckle.

"Are you trying to tell me something?"  She scrolls through the large selection of clothing.


"You want a baby?" She looks up at him.


"Oh, my God." She pouts a smile.

"Well, I see the way you treat Morgan as if she's your own and I just can't help wondering what that'd be like if we had our own kid."

"Goddamn you and your cuteness." She grits and he chuckles. "I will gladly have your child."

"Haha, yes!" He celebrates and she laughs. "And, preferably a girl." He points.

"I can't control that, принц." She shakes her head with a grin. "But, I will try my best."

"We could go try now." He raises his brows with pursed lips.

"You wanna try now?" She nods. "You know you have to propose to me, right?"

"I know." He nods surely. "But as of right now..."

She slowly smiles and disappears, leaving him to chuckle and race upstairs.

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