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At some point, the group went back to the training room where they were going to go to whichever Avenger they wanted and ask whatever questions they wanted.

A lot of girls wanted to go to Pietro but, he declined questioning, disappointing them and grabbing Lylas attention.

"Why are you saying no to talking to pretty girls? You're confusing me."

"I'm not interested in any of them or being asked questions that most likely have nothing to do with the Avengers and would probably make me very uncomfortable."

"Oh. Alright. Valid reasoning."

Pietro chuckles and Lyla leans against the wall beside him.

"Y'know? I realized something, thanks to us being locked up." Lyla says.

"What was it?"

"I don't hate you as much as I thought I did. I don't hate you, at all. Just get easily annoyed. Take Peter for instance. Wouldn't stop following me and it's quite aggravating."

Pietro just smiles at this and looks down at her.

"You don't hate me?"


"I never hated you either. I think I have the same issue as you with the annoyance."

"Probably. I'm just glad that we don't hate each other."

"Yeah." He scoffs. "Me, too."


Lyla stayed with Pietro the whole time the other Avengers were being interrogated.

They decided to pretend as if they hadn't made up to mess with the Avengers, not wanting to prove them all right.

So, they kept a straight face while they talked, throwing in the occasional smug smirk to throw them off.

They all just had dinner and were on their way back to the floor they are staying on.

"Which button takes us to the Avengers pent house?" Flash asks.

"That's not a button. You have to ask Friday to take you and the only ones who have access are The Avengers, Peter, and I."

"Why you and Peter?"

"Peter is the favorite intern and I'm the personal assistant of the man who owns the tower. I can go wherever I want."

"Yeah, about that, how the hell did you become his personal assistant?"

"I'm smart. Helpful. Resourceful. I had been the one to help him the most out of all the workers in the building so, he made me the personal assistant."

The doors finally open but, all who were in the elevator follow closely behind Lyla to hear more about it.

"What's it like?" A student asks.

"Tiring. He breaks stuff all of the time and I usually fix it. It's really fun, though. I even know who Spiderman is."


"Yup. Not telling. That isn't my business."

"Then, you don't actually know." Flash challenges.

"Dude. If you're gonna try and peer pressure me into revealing the identity of our friendly neighborhood Spiderman and endanger his family, you've mistaken."


"Yes, Friday?"

"Mr. Stark requests your presence."

This gets everyones attention.

"Dear god. Did he break something else?"

"A finger."

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