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The next morning, Lyla and Pietro wake to her alarm going off for school.

"I'm literally gonna cry." She complains.

"Why?" He chuckles.

"I don't want to leave your naked self." She smirks.

"Oh, my." He sighs with a smile. "Get up and get dressed. I'll stay here until, you're done and have to eat."


"Hmm, yes."

She groans and releases him from her hold, crawling out of bed as he watches her rummage through her dresser, also very naked. She finds a cute outfit and goes to the bathroom, coming out in a bralette and underwear, him still very interested in watching.

She giggles and he looks up at her eyes, seeing that she saw him staring, making him chuckle. She continues getting her clothes on and sits beside him on the bed, cupping a cheek and leaning into a soft and slow kiss.

"I'll see you in a few hours." She states just above a whisper with their foreheads together. "Might even stop by during lunch."

"You do that. I'll be in here."


They give each other one last kiss before she's standing in the kitchen, going straight to the cupboard to search for the right cereal. None of the Avengers are there yet so, she just quietly and peacefully takes a seat at the island stool, beginning to eat.

This silence is ruined by Tony, Clint, Sam, Bucky, Steve, and Thor all coming out of the packed elevator, coming from the training room, being pretty loud. She rolls her eyes and looks at them through her lashes, unamused look on her face.

They turn to her and all go quiet, freezing in their places. She grins and continues eating, them all quickly moving to the living room, getting away from her stare.

She finishes eating and sits in her chair, getting her phone out so, she doesn't have to talk to Peter when he walks in or anyone else at all.


Lunch comes around and Lyla smiles, going to an empty stall where she appears in her room, Pietro sitting on the end of her bed, now smiling when he sees her.

She throws her arms around his neck, him pulling her closer by the waist as they both nuzzle their faces into each others necks.

"I don't wanna go back." She sighs.

"I prefer you didn't but, you can't get in trouble. You're graduating soon anyway."

"Yeah but, I still have to go back and that's not fun at all."

"No, it isn't."

She backs up and cups her hands on his cheeks, leaning down to a soft and slow kiss.

"I have a plan." Lyla states between kisses.

"What's your plan." He smiles into her lips.

"We are going. To do what. We did last night. Tonight. Because, I want to."

"That's a good plan."

"I know."


After school, Lyla and Peter get to the common room and she makes a gun motion to Sharons head from behind after seeing that she is again in Lylas chair.

"Pew pew, bitch." She says. "Get the hell out of my chair."

"No." Sharon shakes her head.

"Okay." She shrugs.

Lyla pulls Sharon up and moves her beside a nervous Steve before sitting with her legs over the arm of the chair, a grin on her face.



"Can't share a damn chair?"

"Not with you."

"Or, any of us." Tony chuckles.

"I let Pietro sit in it." She objects.

"Are you gonna let us sit in it?" Nat smirks.


"Why him?" Peter asks, playing calm.

"Because." She side eyes him.

"Drop it." Pietro instructs.

"Just wondering." He shrugs with a bit of attitude towards him.

Lyla rolls her eyes and sighs, lowering herself in her chair, closing her eyes.

"I don't let people sit in my chair because, I had this before that bad thing happened. It was my chair then and will continue to be that so, like Pietro said, drop it."

"What bad thing?" Sharon scoffs.

Lyla opens her eyes, everyone getting nervous and upset. She brings her hand to 'itch' beside her eye as they begin watering.

"I'm gonna go before I start crying and embarrass myself." She quickly gets to the elevator.

"Lyla." Tony calls.

She ignores him and the doors close in front of her, getting to her living room where she bursts into tears.

"That's what I've been trying to avoid." Tony stands, starting towards the elevator. "Lasted two years of me keeping it away and now here we are. Good job, Sharon and Peter. You did great."

The doors close and Pietro glares daggers at the two, his leg bouncing out of anger, keeping it in as to not give them away, it not being something that Lyla needs right now. He just wants to go up there and pull her into the biggest hug but, can't. Wanda sits beside him, feeling the anger radiating off of him, and wanting to calm him but, knowing it won't work, just watching him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.


Tony gets to Lylas floor and sees her with her elbows on the kitchen counter, face in her hands, body shaking from her quiet sobs.


She picks her head up and just covers her mouth with her fist, still crying as she stares into his eyes. He sighs sadly and moves over to her, throwing her arms around his neck, both holding close as she sobs into his shoulder, and his eyes water, as well.

"I'm sorry, Maguna." Tony shakes his head. "I should've been there to stop it but, I wasn't and I'm sorry."

"No." She sobs. "You didn't do anything wrong."



He sighs and they both hold a little tighter, memories flashing through her head of what Hydra did to her and what they made her do. What she did will haunt her for the rest of her life and she knows it, she can't get away from it no matter how badly she wants to or how hard she tries, she still knows exactly what she did and will never forgive herself for it.

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