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Once both Lyla and Pietro have calmed down, she decides to go to the common room, instead. They land in front of the couch, making sure no one's sitting there before taking a seat, his arm draped over her shoulders while she lays her head on his shoulder.

People continue their conversations after greeting the two. Lyla looks around until, she meets eyes with a confused Peter. She sighs and looks away, not really in the mood for any of anything at the moment.

She moves her legs to lay over Pietros thighs, knees up as he pulls her close. She side-eyes Peter for a second to see him still staring, looking away with another quiet sigh.

"What's wrong?" Pietro whispers, laying his cheek on her forehead.

"Peter's staring."

"Of course." He rolls his eyes. "Let him stare."

"Mhmm." She smirks and he smiles. "Will do."

He chuckles and she, because she wants to, nuzzles her body further into his.

"Get any closer and you're gonna mold together." Sam teases.

"Worth it." Lyla shrugs.

"Suction together like a vacuum." Bucky chuckles.

"I'm game." Pietro shrugs.

"I'm confused." Peter raises his hand and they all hold back smiles while Lyla smirks and ignores him. "What's going on?"

"Dad." Lyla calls.

"What? Why me?"

"Because, there's a background story that I don't want to say."

"Fine." He groans, turning to Peter. "So. Lyla was kidnapped today."

"Huh?!" His eyes go wide.

"By Hydra." He nods. "She comes back with a gun shot wound in her abdomen. Lyla?"

"Yeah?" She sighs, eyes closed.

"Can I just play the video? That's a lot to explain."

"... Uh, yeah." She hesitates. "Yeah, you can."

Friday does just that and Lyla squeezes her closed eyes and turns her face further into Pietro. He looks down at her and brings his hand to cover her ear while pressing his lips to her forehead, slightly calming her nerves as she lets out a breath she had been unintentionally holding.

It ends with Peter being wide-eyed while Sam, Bucky, and Clint hold back smiles at his face as they look down.

Pietro takes his hand away and Lyla opens her eyes as a stray tear falls, him wiping it before anyone can see. She looks at Peter to see his face and looks away with an eye-roll.

"Do you remember me?" Bucky asks.

"I recognized you right away." She nods. "But, I couldn't say anything so, I acted as if you were a stranger."

"You didn't seem to know." Sam furrows his brows.

"Like I said, I'm a good actress. Good liar."

"Yeah." Peter scoffs quietly, everyone hearing him, and instantly turning to Lyla with excitement.

"Got something to say, Peter? 'Cause, I promise you, I am not in the mood for this shit right now. So, if you're gonna complain, go take your ass to Neds house."

Pietro grins proudly as he rubs up and down her arm, keeping her from attempting to kill him with a bullet wound.

"Or we could talk about this later, if you'd like?"

"No." Peter shakes his embarrassed head. "No need."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

Lyla peels her glare from his scared face and lays her head on Pietros chest, ignoring the stares as he starts playing with the ends of her, placing his own glare on Peter.

Everyone gets back to conversation with amused, nervous grins on their faces.

Pietro turns back to Lyla, about to say something when Sharon walks in and everyone instantly gets on high alert. They meet eyes and Lyla rolls her eyes as Sharon smirks at her.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks and Lyla ignores her.

She chuckles and goes to sit in Lylas chair, just to make her mad but, is stopped by Lyla looking her in the eyes, pulling her to move herself beside Steve. Lyla lays back down and Sharon confusedly looks around.

"What'd you just do to me?"

"My god. Just shut up, Sharon. You always got shit to say, I'm fucking done. Shut the hell up or I'm gonna make you do something worse then sit next to you damn boyfriend and away from my damn chair."

Lyla and Pietro disappear and Tony groans in annoyance and anger, ready to destroy every Hydra base out there, Sharon along with. Peter can get a scolding later.


Lyla takes Pietro to her living room and burst into tears. He quickly moves into hug her, holding each other close as she cries in his chest.

"Alright, what happened?"

"They're just so much. Sharon just won't stop. Can't stand her. Kidnapped by Hydra, they almost brought Whisper back, and found out I touched the stone. And Peter's gonna be all pissy about us being together? I just don't get it. Why can't I be happy with you? Am I not allowed to lo-"

She stops herself and Pietro picks her head up, having definitely heard the word she cut off.

"Not allowed to what?" He places his hand on her cheek as they stare into each others eyes.

"Am I not allowed to love you?"

"You can do whatever you want." He smiles.

"Then, I love you." She shrugs with a teary grin.

"I love you, too." He chuckles.

Lyla laughs and throws her arms around his neck, moving to straddle him, as he smiles into her shoulder, pulling her waist close. She backs up and places her hands on his jawline, pressing their soft lips together, feeling only love in this very moment.

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