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Bruce, Riley, and a little bit of Lyla, led the students to the Avengers training room where everyone just so happened to be.


Pietro was so excited to see Lyla and was running everywhere around the tower and training room. Wanda was loving it and when the students all stepped in, they all stopped what they were doing and stood in the middle, suits and weapons on full view for the whole grade.

"Hey, Midtown." Tony greets. "Sup, Lyla?"

"Hey, Dude."

The students and teachers were still very amazed at the fact that she is his personal assistant but, the fact that she gets to call Iron Man 'dude' is awesome to them.

"They came to see you guys train and maybe ask a few questions." Bruce explains, stepping beside Thor.

Lyla ignored everything that was said as she and Pietro kept looking at each other with small smiles.

"Lyla." Tony calls.


"Come here."

Lyla hurries over to her secret father, who puts his arm over her shoulder and starts to walk to the other side of the room as the school watches.

"You're definitely a lot calmer than this morning." Tony chuckles.

"Yeah, it's actually not as big a deal as I thought it would be."

"It's really not, though. We're doing this to prove Flash wrong. Or, throw him off the roof."

Lyla laughs at that and they walk back over to the group. The Avengers lead them further into the room and take them to the training mats laid across the floor.

Lyla, again stands off to the side, already knowing what she's doing and everything else about this tower. She feels a gust of wind beside her and turns to see Pietro smirking down at her.

"Hi." She greets with a small smile.

"Hi. I've never seen you in a skirt."

"Figured I could wear one today."

"It's blue, too. You wear that for me?" He teases.

"Would you quit it." She playfully shoves him and he stumbles back. "No, I did not."

"Whatever you say, принцесса."


Lylas heart nearly stops and she quickly looks up at him with a blush that he finds extremely adorable.

"You look very pretty in it."

Pietro speeds off after saying this and watches Lyla stand there in confusion before it turns into a large smile, her holding it back after a few seconds. Pietro smiles, too and they lock eyes for a second before Nat calls Lyla.


"We're sparring and I need a partner." Nat smirks.

"What about Clint?"

"Don't want him."

"Rude." Clint raises a finger.

"I want you."

"I am totally not dressed for that."

"Go get one of the suits. You know where they are."

Lyla sighs and the students watch her walk off to the locker rooms, knowing exactly where they are.

"Why do you want her?" Flash asks.

"She's a very skilled fighter. Been fighting me for a few years and was a fighter before. I like her."

Flash scoffs and rolls his eyes while Pietro glares daggers at him. Wanda smiles at protective Pietro and lets him continue silently threatening the kid.

 Wanda smiles at protective Pietro and lets him continue silently threatening the kid

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"Y'know? This is a bad idea." Lyla shakes her head stepping closer to the group.

"Why is that?" Nat smirks.

"Well, I could hurt you." Lyla teases as she steps to the wrestling mat, making Pietro smile.

"Yeah, right." Flash scoffs.

Ignoring him, Nat steps in front of Lyla getting in a fighting stance.

"You ready?"

"Of course." Lyla smiles brightly.

Pietro continues to smile at her as she throws a punch, missing and backing up as Nat goes to grab her wrist.

They go at it for a few minutes before Nat kicks Lyla to the ground, Lyla pulling her down with her.

Lyla straddles Nat, placing her knees on her biceps and a hand gently on her throat.

"We done?" Lyla asks.


Nat attempts to flip her over but, Lyla moves her hands to Nats, holding her still.

"Now, we're done." Nat breathes.

"Are you sure, or are you gonna trip me if I stand?"

"Get up." She rolls her eyes.

Lyla hesitates but, takes her hands away before standing, pulling Nat with her.

"What?!" Half the class asks.

"You beat her?!" Flash asks.

"I did."

"I told you she was skilled." Nat smirks.

The class cheers and Lyla looks over at Pietro, who smiles at her as one of the pretty girls tries to get his attention. Lyla smiles at him and steps off the mat.

Pietro speeds to her side right away and walks with her on her way back to the locker room.

"Hey, принцесса."

"Holy fuck." She whispers.


"Nothing." She smiles. "I do good?"

"Are you blind?"



"You did great, stupid."

"Aw, what happened to 'princess'?" Lyla teases.

"You know what that means?" Pietros heart stops.

"Mhmm. You can keep calling me it if you want. Not in front of the ones who speak russian, though. They'll freak out."

"Okay, принцесса." He chuckles.

Lyla smiles brightly and Pietro speeds off as she steps into the locker room to change back into her clothes.

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