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🎵"Sometimes I feel like I wanna leave this place for good, under the ground, Ill live down there without a sound and never hear these hissing voices all the same. Ill disappear caus living makes me feel ashamed."🎵

Above and Below- The Bravery

In school for the first time in a week in half. The lunch room is chaotic as fucking usual. Why do people have to be so damn loud? I can hear half of the conversations from a few of the tables around me. A blonde girl is going on about what color she should dye her hair to her best friend thats actually fucking the blondes boyfriend but of course she dosent know that, I know that because the chicks boyfriend is a buyer of mine and I walked to his car one night seeing the blondes best friend giving him a blow job. He begged me not to say anything and I havent because that shits none of my concern. I was only worried about getting my money not running and spilling drama but if he ever tries to fuck with me and front I have something to use against him.

"Are you going to keep your nose in you phone Zayn or make conversation with the rest of us?" I hear Niall nagging Zayn making me eye the two of them. Liam is on his laptop playing some kind of zombie game. This fucker is always on his laptop.

"Is there something important we need to have a conversation about Niall?"

"Dont start you two, I already have a god damn head ache from hearing all the other shit around me."

"Well he needs to mind his business." Zayn scolfs rolling his eyes.

"Someones a little pissy today yea?" I throw back at Zayn.

"No Niall is always talking shit and its annoying."

"I am not! I was only trying to make conversation with you but you had your nose in your damn phone ignoring me like the rest of the group."

"What are you doing on your phone Zayn? you seem pretty interested on whatever the hell it is on there." I ask him sitting up laying my arms on the table.

"My old friend that use to live here is coming back today and I was making sure he knew where to come to."

"Old friend? Didnt know you had an old friend... and what do you mean by him knowing where to come to?" I furrow my brows.

"Yea he use to live around here and you dont know him or about him because Ive never talked about it and he never went to our school. He went to the school around the block."

"Go on." I motion for him to continue.

"He moved back and will be going to this school instead of the old one."

"Zayn your not answering the question I last asked you. Why the fuck are you asking him if he knows where to come to? Does he not know where the fucking school is?" I say frustation coming out.

"No he knows where it is... He dosent know which table we set at though." I raise my brow staring coldy at him.

"You invited someone I dont know shit about to our table?"

"You dont know him but I do so hes not a stranger."

"I dont know him! what if he works undercover or some shit Zayn!" I whisper shout.

"Harry I just fucking told you hes an old friend of mine. He dont work undercover, calm your shit!"

"Im not calming nothing, You shouldve informed me on this and not kept it to yourself." Zayn rolls his eyes. The table is quite for a few minutes. I see a figure approach out of the corner of my eyes. I snap my head to a person standing between me and Zayn.

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