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I keep my lips ghosting over his. The slightest move and they'd be touching, I want them to be touching but something is stoping me. This horrible fucking conscious of mine is being a real prick.

"Lou?" I breathe lightly keeping my forehead against his closing my eyes.

"What? What is it?" I keep my hands on his waist lazily now.

"I just- I need to know."

"Know what Harry? What's wrong?"

"Have you been with anyone else? In any way."

"What?" He asks sounding offended.

"Have you-."

"Fucked anyone else or let them fuck me? Are you out of your mind!"he pulls his head back hitting the wall with the back of it. I look up at him knowing he can see the look in my eyes. The sad fucking puppy dog doe eyes. I bring my hand up to his face placing it on his cheek, rubbing the pad of my thumb gently over his cheek bone. I move my hand down running my thumb over his lips looking at them.

"You've not let your lips touch anyone else's either have you?" His lips open slightly with a few puffs of hot air hitting my thumb. I flick my eyes back up to his. He shakes his head.

"Say it please." I say pleading.

"No, no my lips haven't touched anyone else's. I've not touched anyone in any sexual way, I'm not even thought about it Harry because all I can ever fucking think about is you. You're-." My lips feel like they've just touched fire, making my whole body feel like it's been lit inside. The burning sensation running from my finger tips all through my body. My hands find his hips again pinning him to the wall holding him there. The kissing isn't anywhere sweet and innocent. It's hot and needy. His tongue comes out running along my bottom lip before biting it and sucking it in. He lets go digging his fingers into the back of my hair. I start walking backwards with our mouths still devouring each other's. We walk blindly until we get to his bedroom. Luckily he's hiding me or id of never found the room like this. I pull his shirt off of him and toss it to the ground, him doing the same with mine. I grab his face and kiss him hungrily again.

"I want you-."I say with our lips barley breaking apart but getting interrupted. He nods fast.

"Have me. Im yours." I lean my head back to look at him grabbing his chin between my thumb and finger. I shake my head slowly with a smirk.

"I wasn't finished. I want you to fuck me and I promise after this, we will go for a second round and I'll give you what you want."

"Bloody hell, I want you however, bottom or topping. I just want you, it's more of a need not a want!" He says grabbing my neck and pulling me back to him smashing our lips together. He pulls back lightly pushing me, tugging my jeans down with my boxers making my cock spring loose. His eyes goes wide with his pupils dilating more.

"God, now that's a sight for sore fucking eyes." He says biting his lip. I half laugh nodding my head for him to take his off. He does as told.

"Get on the bed." I walk backwards doing what he says. I turn over on my belly and get my self in the position he likes the most. I watch him go to his night stand and get the lube.

"Why's it half empty?" I ask popping my head up.

"My hand has been my best friend, baby." He says with a grin crawling up on the bed.

"Before this, do you want me to give you head for a few minutes?" He looks over my shoulder.

"No babe, this is what I want." His lips graze my shoulder leaving a kiss trail down my spine. I hear the cap open on the lube.

"Using my fingers first."

"Lou! Please just fuck me with your dick! I miss the feeling of being stretched just by it, nothing else." I say impatiently. I look back seeing him coat his throbbing cock and tossing the lube in the floor. He stretches up my back placing his arms on either side of me but grabbing my hands interlocking our fingers tightly. I feel the tip of him push inside of me slowly, I instantly feel the burning sensation of stretching after five months. And fuck I've missed it. I've miss him.

"God you still feel the same. So fucking good." He whispers into my ear making me moan softly. I tighten my fingers with his. He pushes in further until he bottoms out.

"Shit! Louis I've missed you, fuck, I have missed you so much. Not just the sex, I've missed all of you." I confess and feel his teeth sink into my neck sucking and leaving a love bite.

"I've missed everything about you baby. Especially these curls." He quickens his rhythm but his hands never leave mine. He's holding on to them tightly as if he's afraid to let them go.

"I'm close. I'm so close." I say when the head of my cock slides against the bed it's too sensitive and sends me over the edge. I moan clenching my jaws.

"Me too." He says dropping his head to the center of my shoulders and I feel him release inside of me. He pulls out slowly falling beside of me.


Harry stares at me with tired worn out eyes. I've missed the emerald green blazing eyes staring at me like this.

"Louis Tomlinson, you're a fucking thief." I furrow my brows in shock looking at him confused.

"Uh.. what? How?"

"You stole my heart." He says with a cheeky grin making his dimples pop out. I l start laughing.

"But it's ok, I won't press charges. You can keep it." He winks pulling me into him holding me, giving me a tight hug with both arms around me. I nuzzle my head into his neck.

"I love you." I mumble not regretting it because I don't regret saying. I didn't regret it earlier and I don't now. I love him and nothing or no one will ever change that.

"Not as much as I love you lou." His lips kiss the side of my head with his arms squeezing me in a bear hug.

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