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Three days ago

After a long ass day at this dreadful school, I get my phone out thats ringing in my pocket.


"Tommo, hey mate Timmy needs you to bring that black bag that Harry keeps at his house, over so he can restock it." Niall tells me.

"I dont even know where he keeps it to bring it."

"Under his bed, get it and bring it over asap."

"Wait, Why cant Harry bring it? He wouldnt let me go in his room, he tolds me a few times not to go in his room."

"He isnt home, Hes out running a few deals for the next three hours, you have time to go there and get the bag."


"I knew Timmy shouldnt have offered to let you in the group, cant even so something simple that dosent require anyone getting hurt." I clench my jaws taking in a breath.

"Ill be there soon." I hang the phone up and walk to the Harrys house, it takes me a hot minute to get here where I have no car yet. Thats one of the reasons Im not backing out of this, fast money and alot of it.


I dont have a house key. I look around and all I can think to do is try to open a window and only hope my short ass can reach one of them. I walk over to the side of the house and try pushing a window up and it actually slides up. Youd think with him being a drug dealer hed keep his house locked up tight. Then again everyone knows not to mess with him. I grab onto the side of the window and take a jump pulling my self up and through the window. I almost fall face first in the downstairs bathroom. I walk out of the bathroom quietly and scan around the living room, I didnt see his truck out in the drive way but it still freaks me out being in here without him here, one because I sorta broke in and two Im about to probably risk my life going in his room.

Going up the stairs I stop in front of the black door, I gulp rather harshly and twist the knob it slowly cracks open, I put my finger on it and push it the rest of the way open.

Wow, His room is amazing, its really nice and neat. Black of course. His bed is in the middle of his room, Big windows on one side of the wall, his ceiling is black along with the walls, the floor is a dark brown and the only light on is a standing lamp ,He has two books on his night stand and Im curious as to what they are but Im not in here to snoop, only in here to take something that belongs to him but only taking it for a few hours.

What I want to know is how Im supposed to explain to him that the fucking bag got restocked. Maybe Niall or one of the others will say they came in and got it but still hes going to ask how I got in the house. Either way Im getting my head chewed off.

Going to his bed I get on my knees and dip my head down looking under it seeing the black bag. I pull it out and leave his room as soon as its in my hands. I shut his door back and dash out of the house. I text Niall Im on my way and slide my phone back in my pocket.

When I get to the buliding behind Timmys I walk in and see the boys sitting on one of the sofas.

"Tommo aye you made it." Niall says coming over to me and taking the bag. He hands it to Zayn and Zayn walks past me walking out of the building. Im assuming to let Timmy know Im here and he can do whatever it is he needs to do so I can take the bag back and place it where it goes.

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