15 1 1

"Sleep good?" Niall asks yawning.

"Didn't sleep."

"You stayed awake the whole night?" I nod slowly staring at the ceiling. I can feel him eyeing me.

"You were up thinking about tommo yea?"

"There's never a second I'm not thinking about him but this time it's different."

"Mmm, how so?" I sigh rolling over looking at Niall. I don't have zayn to talk to about this shit anymore and it really fucking sucks.

"You're not zayn but you're all I have left to talk to this shit about."

"I- uh."

"Want to listen to me ramble on about the person who has captivated me, mind, body and soul or not?" Niall raises his brows with a nod.

"I've seen him a few times in pictures, and in my fucking memories so of course I didn't forget about beautiful and sexy he is but last night... when I seen him with my own eyes, right in front me. Fuck. He just, he blew my mind and made me fall in love with him all over again. I thought for sure I was going to be a dick to him, I had planned on being a complete ass to him when I got the chance to speak to him at the club."

"And why would you be an ass to him?"

"Because I seen him with that other guy... I got jealous. Remember in the dressing room? Yea that's why I was so pissed. He'd posted a picture of him and it pissed me off."

"Ah, so you were going to be a dick to him because he is dating someone else and you don't like it."

"Yea but uh, turns out he isn't dating him... the dude he's been posting about and who he was with last night is in fact straight."

"How'd you find that out?"

"He told me I could stop killing him with my eyes because he's 'straight'."

"Louis did?"

"No, bax. Louis went to the bathroom and left me and him alone. That's when bax told me he isn't after Louis."

"And you believe him?"

"I- wait a second. You have a point." I sit up on my elbows looking forward. Is bax telling the truth? I glance at Niall and squint my eyes.

"The answer is yes. Let's go track em down." Niall says grinning.

"You read my mind but first I need to take a shower and brush my teeth." I tell him getting off the bed and getting my things to shower.



I still can't believe I seen him, spoke to him, felt his touch even though it was quick. It was the most gentlest quickest touch. I didn't sleep last night, I couldn't. All I could think about was him. How I wanted to sit and talk to him for hours on end. He left so fast last night, I didn't even get to ask if he'd want to just stay and catch up. I've been lost in my thoughts all day that I've not even been able to focus on my work today. There's been a blank piece of paper sitting in front of me for hours.

"Louis are you ok?" Mrs. lux asks. I zone back into reality.

"Oh... yea, just got distracted. Sorry." I say quietly. She nods with a smile.

"Put your thoughts on that paper!"

"Right." I say with a tight grin.

Finally after drawing a blue bird with weeping willow trees and a child swinging from the tree, I head the bell ring. I grab the things and put my paper on Mrs. Lux's desk. I really can't wait to get out of here and go to the coffee shop to get a damn donut. I skipped breakfast and lunch because my appetite hasn't been the best the past few days. I've been eating maybe once a day with a few crackers at bed time. Pushing the College doors open, I end up dropping my art books and pencils on the ground.

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