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The sound of music blaring in a distance makes my eyes squint open. I blink them a couple of time adjusting to the sunlight beaming through my bedroom window. I reach my arm out to feel Louis warm soft delicate skin, only to feel a cold empty spot on the side he was asleep on last night. I furrow my brows looking at the empty side and sit up on my elbows looking around the room as if he's going to be standing somewhere in here. I see the door cracked and still hear the music in the distance. I get out of bed and walk to the bedroom door opening it fully, when I do my nostrils are filled with the smell of pancakes. I walk down the hall and get to the top of the stair case hearing the music becoming closer. When I get to the middle of the stairs I hear it.

"I fall like a sparrow and fly like a dove"

My steps becoming slower each step. I get to the corner of the kitchen, the music is blaring out of the blue tooth speaker I have in the kitchen window.

"You must be the dream I've been dreaming of. Oh what a feeling it must be love."

Walking into the kitchen a smile breaks on my face seeing Louis at the stove making pancake, dancing in the strawberry apron I have that was my moms. He probably doesn't know that because I didn't mention it to him. Moving up behind him I wrap my arms around his waist feeling him startle with a light gasp but shortly all that's taken over with a glimmering smile looking up at me. I lean down and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"Something is wrong alright, I think of you all night, can't sleep till morning light, it must be love. Seeing you in my dreams, holding you close to me, oh what else can it be? It must be love."

My deep sleepy voice singing into his ear with the music. He takes the pancakes off the skillet placing them on two plates. My arms slowly leave his waist. He turns around and grabs my hands with his small ones pulling my into the open space in the kitchen. His smile brighter than the sun, along with the sparkle in his beautiful baby blue eyes. I can't help the dimple grin I have staring down at him. Our hands are locked together dancing around like little kids in my kitchen at eight thirty in the morning.

"It must be love, it must be love. I fall like a sparrow and fly like a dove. You must be the dream I've been dreaming of, oh what a feeling it must be love."

Louis sings to me lifting his arm up for my tall slim body to twirl under, which makes me giggle seeing the height difference. It would've worked out better if he'd of done the twirl because I nearly almost had my knees touching the floor from bending down low enough to go under his arm.

"It must be." I say when the songs is lowering down about to go off.

"It must be what?" He says leaning back against the counter. I'm in front of him leaning back against the island only about five feet away from each other.

"Love." I chuckle out.

"You...." I push off the island going over to him and putting my hands on either side of him resting them on the counter. I look down at him with a half grin.

"What about me?" His head leans into my bare chest.

"Because of you I know what it feels like to love again and to know what it feels like to be loved. Because of you I'm not in such a dark fucking place anymore. Because of you there is light in my life Louis...because of you baby, I have something worth living the right way for." I kiss the top of his head. My arms wrap around his shoulders giving a tight hug.

"And now because of you... I'm scared as fuck having the thought of something happening to you that could make me lose you."

"Harry baby I'm not leaving you, I'm not going anywhere." His voice vibrating my chest.

"Not thinking about you leaving me like that lou." I mumble into his hair.

"I know we're both going to die later on in life when we're old but I want to be the one to die first."

"What the hell harry! Why are you even thinking about that?"

"My mind is a dark places sometimes Louis." I laugh lightly.



"When we're old?"

"Yea?" I arch my brow looking down at him.

"You can see me in your future that far away?"

"Well I don't plan on being with anyone else. We've only known each other what? Three months give or take... but the answer is yes. I can see you in my future. I don't want anyone else lou."

"But maybe that's only because You've ever opened up and showed love to me... maybe you can do it for someone else to." I squint my eyes.

"Louis for fucks sake! You're the only one in the last five years that has ever made me give a single shit about anyone, you're the only one to make me open up like I have, to feel the things I feel, to do any of the shit I've been doing! It's you! Only you. There's something about your little ass... I- just.... No. There's nobody else Louis." I tell him sighing and leaning my head down to meet his forehead.

"I had no idea you really felt that strongly about be H. I mean yea I know you said you love me and that I've helped you but... I didn't know you felt like this." His nose grazes mine.

"It's weird innit? I'm sorry. I sound fucking possessive or stalkish or some shit. I'm sorry."

"No, no. It's fine love. I promise because my feelings for you and what I feel for you are just as strong. You make me so happy and the when you tell me everything's going to be ok, that I'm going to be ok. I believe it, because you're with me... I have you. As long as I have you in my life, I know everything will be ok. Perfect rather." He smirk slides up on his face making me arch a brow.


"I feel really special knowing not just someone, but you, Harry Styles loves me as much as you do. It also makes me feel special because I get to be with you for your first, well for a few things that is."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"The way you said the last sentence."

"Well clearly you're not a fucking virgin so I'm not your first for that."

"Oh yea, no I'm definitely not a virgin but... you were my first kiss on the lips, my first cuddle, first person to sleep in my bed, first person to break my walls down and get me to open up a little, first one to make me fall in love, first on-."

"Say it again."

"Which part?"

"The last part."

"Fall in love?" He nods slowly with a smile.

"You're the first person to make me fall in love.... I'm in love." I peck his lips.
"with you" pecking his lips a second time.
"Louis Tomlinson." He grabs my faces and kisses me hard. My hands grip his hips pulling him into me.

"Fuuuck, I swear those are my favorite words. No matter how many times I hear them." He says in between kisses.

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