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Dr. Gills said Louis would need to stay home for at least two weeks. Knowing Louis has no help and needs it Ive decided to stay home and help him. Ive missed two days so far. Im not worried about my grades because I can get shit done online and the work that cant be done online I can go get it at the end of the week when I go and get Louis and then take it and turn both of our things in on Mondays until we return. 

"You know you dont have to stay in my room all day right?"  I look up from my push up position to Louis laid back on his bed. 

"Yea I know. Easier to already be in here incase you need something though yea?" 

"I suppose so."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No its not that." I continue my push up.

"Then what is it?"

"Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you hate me but youre helping me and missing school to do so." I keep my eyes on the floor in front of me pushing my arms  up and down with mybody.

"You still think I hate you?"

"Well I know you said alot of things the other night but wasnt too clear on the whole hate thing." I stop doing my push ups and sit back resting my ass on my heels.

"If I still hated you I dont think Id of kissed you for one, and for two if I still hated you I damn sure wouldnt be here helping you. Would I?" 

"So whats the answer." He asks. I know hes wanting me to actually say it, why he wants to hear it I dont know. I push off the floor and crawl up on the bed gently not to move him too much. 

"No I dont hate you." A small grin forms on my lips. 

"I never hated you to be honest."

"I dont think youre being quite honest." He gives a light laugh not hurting himself.

"No I am, really. I umm. I didnt hate you, I was mostly jealous."

"Jealous?" I nod once chewing my lip.


"Because you were new and Im use to attention being on me and well when everyone seen you that attention went form me to you, especially with my friends. I didnt know you. Zayn didnt inform me of you in any way. He knows I dont like strangers just joining into our group, thats why its only us."

"Is that all?"

"You kinda looked like the kid that had what every other kid wants."

"What is that?"

"A  loving family with money and no problems but I soon found out youre far from having any of that and Im uh well Im sorry for thinking that way and assuming by not even giving you the chance at first."

"Yea far from having a loving family and indeed do have problems. I still cant believe you treated me like shit because you were jealous of me. Jealous!" He taunts me 

"Have you seen yourself? Course I was jealous, you didnt just have everyone elses attention you also had mine. As soon as I looked up at you and seen you I felt my breath get caught in my lungs." 

"So jealous over my looks to aye?"He smirks at me.

"Alright alright, dont get full of yourself."

"Not going to lie you caught my eye and you hadnt even looked at me yet." I furrow my brows and look at him.

"If you didnt see my face th-."

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