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Walking out of the door with Louis behind me, we get in the truck and make our way to the movie theater to meet the boys.

"I would've much rather of stayed home." I grumble getting out of the truck. I meet Louis on his side of the truck walking with him into the theater.

"If you're going to be a grumpy asshole, you can go back home. I'll get a ride with Liam." Louis sass's back leaning his back against the wall.

"Watch your attitude Louis."

"Or what Harry?" He fights back giving a smirk.

"You just costed yourself." I smirk raising a brow.

"Mmm yea ok... costed myself what? Nothing important I can guarantee." I lean down to his ear.

"No sex until I say so." He push's my shoulder back looking up at me.

"You're fucking joking." He stares blankly at me.

"Right?" He asks me with his hands on my shoulders still.

"Definitely not. Learn to control that sassiness of yours." I wink and turn my attention to the three guys walking in the theater.

"Hey lads! Sorry we're late." Liam says with a short small grin.

"You two good?" Zayn squints one looking between me and Louis.

"Just fucking peachy." Louis says through gritted teeth. I snort covering my mouth. We go to the ticket booth and buy the tickets to see the leprechaun. Why they chose this suck ass syfy movie shit is beyond me. It's not even half believable. We start walking to the theater room when we notice nialls missing.

"Where's Niall?" I stop looking at everyone. Right then he pops around the corner with pop corn in one hand and cotton candy, cookie dough, hot Tamales and skittles in the other hand with his drink curled up in the side.

"Should've knew ni, should've knew." Zayn laughs shaking his head.

"You going to share any of that mate?" I hear Liam ask Zayn when we sit down.

"Fuck off! I bought this. You assholes should've got something before coming in here."

"Niall, you share your fucking coke and other drugs with him. Share your fucking food." I hiss out.

"I'll have you know Harold, I don't do any of the such anymore." Nialls nose points up in the air like a snobby rich bitch talking to the poor folk. I furrow my brows with a head tilt.


"Yea mate. We've all actually been slacking on the shit. I've not touched any type of drug, well weed but nothing harder than that in about a week." I raise my brows in shock.

"Two weeks for me mate." Liam says taking a sip of Nialls drink.

"Two in a half for me." Niall gives a teething smile.

"And none of you thought to tell me this, why?" I ask curiously.

"You have been wrapped up in Louis fucking ass. We've barley heard from you and can barley get you to text any of us back." Niall says. Louis fidgets in his seat sliding down. I half grin licking my lips.

"I'm sorry." Louis voice speaks up. We all look over at him.

"Why are you sorry?" Zayn beats me to it.

"I've taken your guys friend away... I'm sorry." He says looking at all of us. I furrow my brows kinda pissed. He doesn't have to say sorry for anything. He hasn't done anything.

"Louis." I clench my jaws. He turns his head away and looks at the screen. I bite my lip shooting the other guys daggers. Niall should watch what he says. Louis has taken me away from anyone. I've decided myself to stay 'wrapped up' in him on my own. I admit it, I do like being around Louis more so than I do the boys. It's different with him. The boys quickly turn their heads to the big screen.

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