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🎶I still burn for you
Like the sun burns in the sky
I still burn for you
I still burn for you
My whole life I've been on fire
I still burn for you🎶
-Mod Sun-

I sit across from Louis folding a napkin. Once again everything is quite between us. Everything is awkward and it shouldn't be but it is. I know we both have so much to say but yet here we are saying little to nothing.

"Where are you going?" Louis asks. I clear my throat looking up.

"Probably back to the hotel. Didn't sleep much last night."

"Funny coincidence, nether did I." He half laughs. I softly grin.

"Hey Lou, are you still going with me tonight?" Bax interrupts walking to the booth. I stiffen and look back down at the napkin I'm folding up. You can hear the hesitation in Louis voice when speaking.

"Yea, I- yea." He keeps his eyes on bax. He won't look at me because he feels bad. I still know him.

"Are you ready? The movie starts in a few minutes." Bax asks him. Louis scoots out of the booth.

"Can we maybe meet up tomorrow?" I hear Louis ask. I look back up with a half ass smile nodding my head.

"Yea, enjoy your movie." I say but it comes out a little rude. I can see his frown through the grin on his face.

"Im sorry." I shake my head knitting my brows getting out of the booth.

"Have a good night." I say pushing the door open and walking out.


"You boys are killing it! A sold out show again!" Danny says giving us high fives. I wipe the sweat off my forehead with a towel and toss it on to the couch in the dressing room.

"Yea..." I say flopping down beside the towel.

"Niall you were made to play that guitar." Danny praises him. I grin looking at Niall.

"If he dosent let his fucking nerves get the best of him." I say.

"Fuck off harry."

"Next show is the Thursday. You have a free day tomorrow." Danny says leaving the room. I prop my chin on my palm chewing my lip.

"You're doing it again."

"Doing what again?"

"Deep in thought. You're going to chew your lip off." I sit up straight sighing deeply.

"What's up? Talk to me." I eye Niall for a few seconds.

"I really like doing this, love doing it. It's fucking amazing."

"Yea, you've said that several times."

"But.." I shake my head.

"This isn't the dream I want, I don't want to chase this because it's not really what I dream about doing anymore."

"Wait, what? You've wanted this for how long. What else is there to chase after?"

"It was."

"Ok? Well what the fuck changed it?"

"He did." I say looking over at Niall.

"He's what I want to chase, he's what I dream about. My dream is to be with him. If I have to chase him from here to Africa, I'm getting my running shoes on, be what all I want is to be with him. This, doing concert makes me happy yea, but not like Louis does."

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