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"Stop calling me." 

"Louis where the hell are you?" 

"If I wanted you to know Id of answered your text dont you think?" 

"Stop being a little fucking brat and tell me where you are. You have no where to go and you cant be out on the streets."\

"Im not out on the streets Harry and Id rather be anywhere but YOUR house. Now stop calling me. Im not your fucking problem."

"Louis!" I hear another voice in the background. I listen closely. I recognize the voice it. Its fucking James. 

"Ive got to go, Your house is all yours again H." 

"Dont you dare ha-." The line ends and I squeeze my phone in my hand. I sit up and dial his number again only for it to go to voicemail. 

"Ill keep calling all goddamn night answer the fucking phone." I leave the message and hang up. I scoot my body up my bed and rest my back on the head board. I fiddle with my rings on my hands zoning out. Hes with him, where I dont know and its pissing me off.


I look at the time and see its now two in the morning. I can feel my eyes getting heavier. I slouch down where my back is more rested on my bed and my heads laid back on the head board. I turn on netflix and scroll to friends. Ive seen this show countless of time but its a comfort show. I look at my phone one last time but seeing no texts or missed calls. I set my phone beside of me and turn on my side. 

"You killed her." My dad taunts at me. I wipe my eyes and sniffle my nose 

"N-No I didnt."  I wipe my nose on my sleeve. 

"You did, why do you think she got sick after you told her youre a faggot! Youre whats part of whats wrong with this world Harry, you and the other twinks in the world. Youre all sick!" I flinch when his hands raise thinking hes going to hit me. 

"Im sorry."

"Youre sorry for what? Killing your mother or for me having a cock sucker for a son? either one the sorry isnt good enough. You are sorry, youre a sorry ass excuse of a human." 

"I didnt kill her!" I yell out standing up. He takes one big step getting in front of me. His face right in mine. 

"Who is the hell do you think youre raising your voice at boy?" 

"I-I didnt kill her just stop saying that." 

"Ill say what I want to in this goddamn house! This is my house. What I say goes and what I tell you to do you fucking do it."  I play with the two rings I have on my hands looking down at the hardwood floor.

"Say it."  I look up at him. 

"Say you killed her, thats the least you can do is admit it."

"No, I wont say that. No." 

"Are you disobeying me?" 

"M'not gonna say it." I shake my head. Before I know it a rough calloused hand smacks a crossed my face. I grab my cheek with my own hand looking away from him. 

"You do what I say!"

"No! Im not saying I killed her! I didnt do it. She probably died from having to live with you!" My eyes goes wide realizing what I had just shouted out. I back up slowly. He keeps stepping closer with each step I take back. I hit the wall behind me and slide down it. 

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