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"I'll start on this wall and you start on that one?"

"Yea sounds good." Louis says popping the lid off the paint can.

"Do you need to go change before you start?" I pull my shirt over my head and toss it on the bed. Louis looks at me. His eyes scanning over my bare chest. He sits the van down and pulls his shirt off.

"Nope." He smirks grabbing the can walking to the wall he'll be painting.

About two hours later all the walls are painted black and dried. This paint doesn't take long to dry where it isn't regular paint. I have a few black spots on my arms and hands. I walk over to the desk in my room to open the lids to the neon green, blue, pink and yellow. Louis walks over and he has more paint on him.

"Did you get any on the wall lou?" I laugh lightly.

"Fuck off! I've never painted before, and yes actually the walls are very well painted." He says back with attitude.

"You also have paint on you or are you blind?"

"I don't have no where near as much paint on me as you do." He arches a brow giving me a look. He gets a new paint brush and stick it in the blue paint turning on his heels to walk away from me. I turn my attention back to the small cans in front of me about to dip my brush into the green paint when I feel something wet hit my back. I freeze with my brush in the paint.

"Looks like you do have more on you than I do." I hear his playful devilish tone come out.

"Louis you fucker! Do I look like part of the fucking wall!" I playfully shout.

"Guess you're part of it now yea?" I take my brush out, it's dripping in green paint. I turn slinging my arm. The paint splattering on Louis arms and belly. His eyes going wide with a smile. He nods his head slowly clicking his tongue.

"Alright." Is all he says looking at the paint on him. I smile to myself seeing him actually enjoy himself and not have that frown that's Occasionally looming on his face. He walks back over to me standing in front of me.

"Truce, we've got to get these walls finished." He mumbles grabbing a different brush dipping it into the pink paint.

"I'm excited to see how everything turns o-." Paint hits my chest splattering on to my face. I press my lips together looking at him.

"You-." I don't even finish what I was going to say. I just stick my brush into the yellow paint and sling it on him. A big splatter covers his chest dripping down his belly. Before you know it there's paint belong slung and splattered everywhere. It's going on us, the walls and the floor. All you can hear is loud laughter bouncing off my walls. Good thing paint is easy to get off wooden floors. We fight with the paint until all the cans are empty.

"Look what you've done." I tell him with a dry tone but only joking.

"I'm sorry, are you mad?  I thought it would be fun." He says looking panicked.

"Yes I'm mad." I steps closer to him towering over him.

"I- umm... I'll clean the floors. I'll make sure all the paint is off and I'll clean it off whatever els-."

"I'm not my mad lou. Calm down." I tell him looking down at him.

"You're such a dick! I thought you were really mad." I half grin grabbing his hands with mine.

"No, It was fun. I haven't had fun like that in a long time." I tell him. I lean down getting closer to his face.

"And once again you were my first, to have a paint fight with." His his flicker up to mine with a soft grin.

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