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"Harry mate wake up." I feel niall shaking my shoulder. I throw the pillow off my face and squint, rubbing my eyes.

"It's eight thirty and we don't know where the hell were going."

"Right. Let me get a quick shower yea?" Niall nods sitting down on his bed Turing on the tv.

I grab my suit case and get a pair of black skinny jeans out with a black t shirt and my boxers. When I get in the shower the scolding hot water stings but at the same time makes my body feel relaxed. I close my eyes for a second resting my forehead on the wall while the water washes over me. The image of Louis tan arms snaking around my waist flood my memory. My eyes flash open with water going into them. I stare in to the blank space only hearing the water running.

Goddamn it! I miss him. This is fucking bull shit, everything is shit! I slam my palm against the wall clenching my teeth. I finish my shower and dry off, throwing my clothes on and walking out into the room. I sit on my bed and put my socks on then sliding my converse on after.

"Everything alright? Thought I heard a bang come from the bathroom." I hear Niall but don't look up. I just stand to my feet and walk towards the door.

"My words to him many times were 'we'll be alright' but we're not, nothing is alfuckingright Niall." I mumble slinging the door open.

Walking into the busy loud streets of LA, I take inhale deeply walking into the crowds. After walking for twenty minutes Niall stops some random and asks them if they know where stone cold records is and they give us directions. It's only one more block away from where we are.


Turning around the corner we come face to face with a big red and black brick building with a sign lit up in neon lights reading 'Stone Cold Record Label'. My and Niall look at each other before walking in.

"Hello, how can I help you sir?" A lady at the front desk asks.

"I got an email telling me to come in as soon as possible for a meeting."

"Your name?"

"Harry Styles and Niall Horan." Her red painted finger nails type quickly on the keyboard.

"Danny Sage is who is wanting to meet with you two. I'll call him and let you know when he's ready for you." She says politely with a smile. We nod and turn our backs looking around the building.

"Harry and Niall." We then looking back at her but she's now standing at two glass doors beside of her.

"He's ready for you." She opens the door letting us walk by.

"My stomach hurts mate." Niall whispers.

"It's going to be fine Niall, calm down, don't get yourself worked up yea?" Niall nods holding his hands together.

"Yea yea, I know, I know, it's just... you know how some managements and bosses and shit try to make you sign over your whole fucking life to them. They take away your freedom, they have to know everything and anything you d-."

"You already know I don't follow rules, and not a fucking soul is telling me what I can and can't do, where I can and can't go, I have rules and if they don't like them, they won't be making money from me. Simple as that." I tell him getting to the door with a small plate on the door with 'Danny Sage' on it.

"Afternoon you two! Come in have a seat!" His deep voice chimes. Niall and I sit down in front of his desk. Danny reaches his hand out to me and I shake it, soon after Niall does the same.

"You must be Styles correct?" Danny asks looking at me.

"In the flesh." I give a grin with my eye brows raising.

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