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"You sure about this?" Danny asks looking between Niall and I.

"If I wasn't I wouldn't have mentioned it." I say arching a brow.

"I'm up for it." Niall says shrugging.

"Alright then. I found a place for you guys to do your first show tomorrow, so you have to get your asses on the plane now and once you've landed you need to meet me at the recording studio to do a quick sound check tonight and you both need to look around the club to make sure it's where you want to have it at."

"I don't care if it's on the fucking side walk. If you've booked it, that's where we're doing it."

"Tonight. Sound check." Danny says with a serious tone.

"I heard you." I eye him with a glare.

"I've already got your plane tickets ready. Go pack your things and head to the airport." Niall and I go back to our hotel to pack our bags and head to the air port soon after getting there, we have our things tan through security and board the plane.

"What in the hell were you thinking? Going all the way to the fucking u.k for our first concert." Niall sighs irritatedly.

"I don't see why it would matter where the concert is. As long as we're finally doing one. Besides it's not really like a concert. It's more of a fucking show. It's at a night club niall, nobody has to buy tickets for a club to see people sing." I rest my head on the back of the seat in front of me rubbing my temples. Fucking great, a head ache is all I need right now.

After landing at the air port there's a black bmw waiting for us. When we get in Danny is sitting in the passenger seat.

"How was the flight?"

"Boring. Can we just go and get this shit over with so I can get some rest?" I snap having lack of sleep on top of a headache.

"Well there's a change of plans..." I furrow my brows same as Niall.

"The club you were supposed to go to tomorrow isn't allowing more than five bands."

"And?" Niall says.

"Booked you too late."

"So we came here for no reason!" Nialls voice gets loud.

"No, I called around and you two will be doing an actual concert at a small venue in the city in two days."

"Uh... tickets? We've never done a concert, people don't know what we sound like. Why would anyone buy tickets to a band they've never heard of or heard sing?"

"Good thing I put a few of your demos on Spotify and YouTube two nights ago aye?"

"You put our demos out and didn't think to tell us?"

"After all styles that is my job. Just be great full people like, no... love what you guys have sang so far." I give him a death glare from the back seat.

"They do?" Niall asks excitedly.

"Mhm. Teenage girls and boys, are going feral over you two and your voices."

"That's fucking sick!" Nialls smile is wide with a soft laugh.

"But tickets. You can't put tickets up for sale two days before a concert and expect people to buy them."

"That's true. That's why we decided to do paper tickets at the venue this time. I have already made an announcement on Twitter and Instagram about the concert and it has reached over 80K shares."

"So they'll mostly be people showing up to buy tickets yea?" Niall questions leaning back in the back seat.

"Most definitely!"

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