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"Are we almost there yet?" I look over at Niall sending him a death glare.

"Don't even start that shit Niall. You're not a fucking kid asking if we're there yet every five minutes."

"If I want to I will... dosent mean you'll answer me each time I ask though." He shrugs looking out of the passenger side window. I shake my head.

"But really, it's seems like we've been driving for hours."

"We're almost to the airport. We have maybe fifteen minutes left to drive."

"What about you truck?"

"What about it?"

"You're just going to leave it?"

"Yea I don't need it. I'll give it to the first person I see at the airport when we get out."

"Whatever, you're full of shit. You know that?" I don't answer him.

"Where the hell are we even going to stay? Do you have family in Los Angeles? Cause I sure as fuck don't."

"I don't have family Niall." I squint my eyes at him.

"How am I supposed to know that H? We don't know anything about you, well I mean like your personal life..."

"Don't plan on knowing anytime soon." Pulling into the lot of the air port I put the truck in park and grab my bag from the back seat, niall doing the same.

"Did you already buy the plane tickets?"

"Yep. On my way out of the house I got them and then put my phone under my tire and ran over it."

"Uh... I'm not even going to ask but I don't know why you didn't just get a new number, Instead o-."

"See this black truck? It's yours, all the papers and shit is in the glove compartment. Have a good day." I place my keys in the hand of another teenage boy and walk into the air port.

"Y-you just gave your truck away like... like it was a piece of trash!" Niall blurts out following behind me.

"I'm not full of shit. You should know by now when I say I'm going to do something, I do it." I say to Niall over my shoulder.

After going through security and all the boring shit at the air port we were finally able to board the plane. Niall started bitching and whining about sitting near the window and me not being in the mood to deal with his shit, I let him sit by the window.

"Do you have your phone?" I ask him looking at a magazine with furniture in it.

"No? You told me to leave it at my house remember?"

"Didn't think you'd listen."


"No reason."

"You never answered my question about where we're going to stay."

"You know those things called hotels? Pretty sure there's a shit load of them in Los Angeles."

"Damn Harry, that's going to be expensive as shit."

"We won't be staying in one long. I'm sure they'll be apartments or houses big enough for us two that we can move into soon."

"You must really have a lot of money saved up from doi-."

"I was doing it since the age of fourteen Niall so yea, I do have it saved up. I have plenty enough, more than enough even after leaving Louis thirteen thousand."Without having to look directly at Niall I can see his eyes almost pop out of his head.

"Holy hell! You left him thirteen thousand dollars!"

"I didn't want him having to worry about money or working right now. He just needs to focus on himself and getting his self back together and his career."

"Speaking of career... does this record label know we are drop outs?"

"We aren't compete drop outs Niall. I plan on at least getting my g.e.d. I don't know about you."

"Staying in school would've been the smartest thing to do but g.e.d is as good as a diploma from high school."

"I'd rather be on the road doing what I've been wanting to do for as long as I can remember, than being in a fucking hell hole piece of shit school."

"Do you think they'll keep us together? Or make us go solo."

"For one they aren't 'making' me do shit. I have my own rules and you know I don't let you, or anyone else tell me what I'm going to do and what I'm not going to do. If they want me and all the money I'm going to make them, then they'll settle for my rules." I shrug.

"They have no fucking idea what or who they're meeting." I smirk looking at Niall.

"Yea? Who and what are they meeting?"

"The fucking devil who has some what of a heart but it's fucking black and Hollow."

Landing at our destination we grab our bags off the plane and catch an Uber into the city of Los Angeles. Huge building everywhere you look with lights beaming everywhere. Traffic backed up with horns blaring and people walking left and right. The Uber pulls out in front of the hotel we booked while on the plane. I hand him a fifth and tell him to keep the change. We check in to the hotel and get on the elevator. When the elevator stops we get off and start down the hallway. I read each door number carefully to make sure we don't pass it up.

"Twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight." I stop and slide the key card in the slot opening the door.

"This hotel is huge innit?" I ask Niall looking around.

"I've never stayed in a hotel that has its own kitchen. This is nice." 

"Yea and it'll cost a fortune so maybe tomorrow we can look around for an apartment."

"When do we meet with the label company?"

"I uh... I don't know. I didn't write the number down and I can't check my emails because well."

"You're such a dumb ass."

"Guess we will go for new phones tomorrow to." I laugh lightly.

"And besides I'm sure someone could tell us where the record company is. We will just go there and see if they can meet with us right then."

"Yea, Guess that's what we will have to do. Especially phones. I've got to have a fucking phone H."

"Yea yea, you'll get one. Fucks sakes." I throw myself onto one of the beds and cover my face with a pillow.

"Don't wake me up, even if the hotel is on fire. Do. Not. Wake. Me. Up." I mumble under the pillow.

"Noted asshole."

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