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🎵If you feel so emptySo used up, so let downIf you feel so angrySo ripped off, so stepped onYou're not the only oneRefusing to back downYou're not the only oneSo get upLet's start a riot, a riot🎵

Riot- Three Days Grace

Warning! Violence!

"Why the fuck are you calling me Niall?" I hiss into the phone.

"We know where youre going Harry, dont be fucking stupid mate!" 

"You dont know shit."

"We know youre going to Tadens H. Come one lad dont do something stupid, you know something could go wrong." I hear Zayn coming through. Niall must have me on speaker. 

"You all need to mind your own business. He beat the shit out of Louis, Nearly beat him to death. Hes not getting away with it."

"Harry youre going to get yourself killed! You know hes fucking crazy."

"Guess its a good thing im just as fucking crazy, if not crazier, yea?" I hear them all sigh. I tighten my grip on the wheel. 

"And I guess its a good things were just as crazy as you mate, were right behind you." I glance in my mirror and see Liams black bmw behind me. 

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Were not letting you go alone H. Were more than friends lad even though you choked the hell out of me a few days ago, youre my family." Niall says back to me. I am the closest thing to family as he has. 

"I hope you guys know this shit isnt going to be pretty, not the least."

"Oh yea we know. Its you Harry. Were used to your gruesome shit already." Liam finally speaking up. 

"Alright, Ready to start a riot?" I say with a sinister smirk bringing the phone from my ear and hitting the end call button. the line goes dead as we pull up the alley to Taden's. I set my phone in the passenger seat and reach my pistol from under my seat. Liam pulls in behind me and parks. I shut my truck off and stick the gun in the back of pants. I watch in m mirror seeing the boys moving around. I know they were hiding their weapons like I did. 

I get out and stand by my door. Niall, Liam, and Zayn walk up to me. 

"You have something to protect yourselves? Cause you know hes not the only one here." I ask them. Niall lifts his shirt showing his brass knuckles. Liam had a switch blade tucked in his right sock when he lifts his pant leg up and Zayn has a smaller gun tucked in the back of his pants. I nod and turn my head towards Tadens house. 

I knock on the door and hear the lock click. When it opens Tadens eyes darken. 

"Did you bring me the rest of my shit or did you come to pay me for what you ripped me off for?" I feel the small smirk form on my lips. 

"Yea I brought you something, come outside and Ill give it to you." He glances at the back of me seeing the boys. He tilts his head and looks over his shoulder nodding his head for someone to come to him. Him and four other people end up walking out on to the side walk. 

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