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🎵"And Ive been dying to get out and that might be the death of me and even though, theres no way in knowing where to go, I promise Im going because, Ooh, I gotta get out of here. Im stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake, Ooh I gotta get out of here and Im begging you, Im begging you, Im begging you to be my escape."🎵

-Relient K-

I walk into the bedroom seeing Louis sitting on the corner of the bed. Not sure why or how he even got up without help with his ribs being cracked. Hurts to even breath when they are broken or cracked. 

I walk until im a few inches in front of him.

"Louis?" His head slowly moves to look up at me. His eye is swelled almost shut now,  His hand is holding his ribs while the other one is holding himself up. 

"Im in so much fucking pain." He says looking back down. 

"Hold on Ive got some medicine for you." I go to his dresser and grab the pain relivers Dr. Gills gave me for him. 

"Ive got to go and get you some water, Ill be right back." He nods once staying in the same position.  I go down stairs and get him a glass of water and take it back up to him. I reach out the glass and he takes it with his and thats not holding his ribs. He leans his head back opening his mouth slightly. I look at him for a minute not knowing what hes doing. 

"Drop them in my mouth." 

"Oh right yea." I drop the three tablets in his mouth, he takes a gulp of water swallowing them.

"How about you lay back down?" I tell him grabbing his upper arm. He leans his upper body forward with a whine and a loud groan. He stands hunched over and moving his feet slowly.

"Shit Im really hurting right now." 

"Those meds will kick in soon, when they do you need to sleep while the pain is tolerable." I tell him slowly helping him lay down. When he lays down hes trying hard not to take deep and heavy breaths. I set the glass of water on the night stand beside of him and go back to the bedroom door. 

"If you need anything text me and Ill get it for you. I laid your phone beside of you with the glass of water." I tell him about to shut the door.

"Harry?" I barley hear him from how low his voice is. I turn and look at him through the door way.

"Howd I get inside?" I chew my lip looking anywhere but at him.

"I dont know you were already inside when I got home." 

"Did I get myself cleaned up and in the bed? I dont remember anything."

"My guess would be yea, I came up stairs and was walking by your room, your door was open so I was able to see in here and I seen you laid out on your bed." He pushes his brows together confused but dosent say anything else.

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