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"Good new Mr. Tomlinson! You're getting released!" The red headed nurse says excitedly. Louis been in the hospital for a total of eight days. Doctors wondered how he pulled through like he did, how he has recovered so well without long term harm. I don't believe in god but I'm pretty sure a higher power is the reason for him still being here and doing as well as he's doing. He's still in some pain but he says it's nothing like it was. His wounds are healing perfectly but he hasn't been sleeping much without the pain medicine. I finally left for an out twice out of the eight days we've been here. That's only because Niall and liam both were here throughout the day. They were hounding me at first and then told me they'd drag me out by my arms and legs if I didn't go willingly, to get a shower and a decent meal. So I did that, well I went and showered but I never ate the decent meal either time alone. After I went home and cleaned up and got my self smelling better, I stopped at a pizza parlor on the way back here both times and got Louis favorite pizza and a side of wings. I made sure to get enough for all of us. Besides leaving those days only for an hour, I never left Louis side. He's still not himself but that doesn't change anything. He's been snapping very easily and not just at me but with the doctors and nurses as well. I'd say it's because he's tired of being here, tired of millions of questions and just tired in general.

Louis smiles at the nurse lazily and sighs in relief. She hands him his papers and he signs them while she takes out his iv and undoes all of the cords off his chest. When she leaves the room I reach in the bag on the side table and put louis clothes on the bed beside of him. I hold my hand out for him to grab. He stares at it for a couple of seconds, I start to think he not going to take my hand to help him up and just like I thought he dosent. He grabs the bed rails and pulls him self up with a grunt putting his legs over the side of the bed. I let out a short sigh and rub my forehead. I'm not sure if it's me, if I've done something wrong, maybe I'm just smothering him but I couldn't just leave him here to be left alone.

"Lou did I- did I do something?" I ask defeated. This isn't the first time he's done something like this sense being here. He shakes his head taking of his gown and slipping his shirt on.

"No harry, I'm just... I'm irritable and aggravated. I'm ready to go home." He says lowly. I nod licking my lips.

"I understand that but it's like you're taking it all out on me." I look at him trying to bend down to put his joggers on.

"Do you need my he-."

"No harry! I don't need your fucking help ok! You've done enough." I furrow my brows and feel my anger building up with him raising his voice at me.

"Don't fucking scream at me Louis. I've done nothing but stay by you this whole time. I've been right here." He slides his vans on pushing himself off the bed walking towards the door.

"And I didn't ask you to." He mumbles leaving me behind in the hospital room. I stare at the bed where he once was sitting. I inhale a deep breath and nod once walking out of the room.  I see Louis getting onto the elevator and catch up in time to get to the elevator before the doors close.

"I- I'm sorry you're having to go through this Louis but I'm asking you don't... don't take it out on me. You know what I loved through as a kid. I was always blamed for other peoples shit and would get it taken out on me." I say in defeat. When the elevator stops and the doors open he gets out and walks to the parking lot. I see him scanning the lot looking for my truck.

"Where's your truck?"

"I switched with Liam. I figured his would be easier for you to get in rather than that big ass truck of mine." He spots liams ride and walks to it. I unlock the door and go to open it for him but he stops me. It's really like he hates me right now. When he first woke up I had my Louis for a few hours but the next day... from then on he hasn't been the same.

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